Heading into the home stretch

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With the whole mess of people trying to kill us behind us, we were getting ready to head into the home stretch of our last semester. Ryan made me go to see someone, and no, Jordan could not counsel me.

"But why? He knows what I went through," I whined.

"Because you need someone who doesn't know you personally," said Ryan.

"Plus, he might give you bad advice such as dropping this loser," Frazier grinned, pointing at Ryan.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Alex, when you go through a traumatic event, you need a point of view from someone else."

"Oh, come on, Jordan can be objective," I stomped my feet like a three-year-old.

"The answer is no," he said firmly.

"You're not fair," I whined.

"Suck it up, buttercup. You have an appointment at three today," Ryan said, walking out of the kitchen. As he left, I stuck my tongue out at him, and he yelled back, "I saw that!"

Yes, folks, welcome to my adult tantrum. Frazier shrugged, leaving the kitchen, leaving me to pout alone.

Ryan plopped down on the couch, putting his fist on his head and shaking his head.

"I take it she's not happy," Jordan said to him.

"No, but she'll get over it, and here I thought Frazier was bad when he didn't get his way," he said back to Jordan.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm not that bad," Frazier said, jumping onto the couch.

"Yes, you are." Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," Frazier pouted.

"Jesus, I'm surrounded by adolescents," Jordan said, shaking his head.

"Well, you could always make her happy the only way Ryan could make her happy," Frazier waggled his eyebrows at Ryan.

Ryan picked up a pillow and whipped it at him, "Shut it."

"Just saying," Frazier said, taking the pillow and placing it behind his head.

Ryan drove me to the appointment, but not before he had to find me. Then when he did, he chased me all over the house and around the bed before he finally caught me, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me out to the car.

We arrived at the doctor's office, and I refused to get out of the car. Ryan got out of the car and opened the car door and picked me up out of my seat. I kicked and screamed as he carried me inside the building. I glared at him as he checked me in, still holding me.

They opened the door and led us back to a room. Ryan set me down in a seat and left the room, closing the door behind me. Sitting at a desk was a woman in her fifties with a casual top and skirt. I looked at her, and she returned it with a soft smile.

"Let me guess; you're some relative to my fiancé."

She looked at me and finally introduced herself. "Hi Alex, my name is Dr. Martin, and no. I'm no relation to the Jones family." She let out a small chuckle. I raised an eyebrow.

"Shall we get started?" She asked me.

I walked out to the car and climbed in. Ryan turned to me. "So, how did it go?"

"It was fine," I said, buckling myself in. Ryan turned back to the front and started the engine, putting the car in drive.

"I'm just surprised you never told me you've been seeing a therapist," I said casually, making him hit the brakes and looking at me surprised.

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