Things have reached a whole new level of crazy

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I went into my last trimester and was getting antsy. Besides the babies kicking and moving up a storm, trying to get comfortable was nearly impossible, as was sleep. I used Ryan as a body pillow to give me support. Good thing my husband is cuddly.

My cravings got stranger by the minute, and sending him to a store run at two in the morning was normal. I remember one night I woke up and turned on the light next to the bed. I turned to him, "Ryan, I want ice cream and chips."

"Now," he asked in a half-asleep tone.

"Yes, please," I whined.

"Okay," he sat up, yawning, shoving his feet into a pair of shoes and threw on a jacket heading out the door. A few minutes later, he returned with a carton of ice cream and a bag of chips. I opened the bag of chips and the container of ice cream. I grabbed a handful of chips and crushed them into the ice cream and dug in. Don't judge.

After consuming half of both, I leaned over to a sleeping Ryan, "Honey, can you get me some bread and butter chips, please?"

He groaned. "Mmm, I just went to the store."

"Please," I begged.

"Okay," he sighed, getting out of bed and going back to the store. The clerk at the store knew us on a first-name basis because of all the times he made store runs.

He returned with the bread and butter chips, handing them to me, and as I was about to say something, he pulled more items out of the bag. He gave them to me, then took off his jacket and shoes and climbed into bed with me. Instead of going to bed, he joined me with my late-night snacking.

"I'm sorry I made you go out," I said, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Just be glad I love you and our babies a lot," he said, tossing a chip into his mouth.

"I know, I just feel bad."

"As you should," he grinned.

I threw a ding dong at him, and he chuckled, catching it and taking a bite out of it. That's how many of our nights went. I got cravings, woke up Ryan; he goes to the store, comes back, I send him again, and he finally indulges with me. Good thing he had a home gym installed in the house so he could keep from gaining weight along with me.

As I entered my eighth month, they gave me a doctor's orders to stop working until after the babies came and ordered to bed rest. With twins, there is little room towards the end, and they can come any day.

Dr. Monroe wanted to give the babies a little more time to make sure their lungs developed adequately. I couldn't argue, and Ryan made sure I was following the doctor's orders. So, he did the most logical thing any good husband did and enlisted our mother's help. Okay, maybe not the best thing. It was a terrible idea, and I would get even with him for it.

I love our mothers, but after the wedding fiasco, this was the last thing I needed. Not only did they hover over me, but every time they found me out of bed, they ushered me back to it. I can leave if I had to use the bathroom and clean up. It was ridiculous. So, I did the only mature thing I could do, and that was sulking. Ryan is so going to pay for this.


I got a phone call at work from Mom. Our patient was not happy and told to come home immediately. Then I heard stuff breaking in the background and yelling, with Mom hanging up abruptly. Thank God I work for Dad, or they have fired me at any other job.

I came inside the house to hear a lot of yelling and breaking things coming from upstairs. I took two steps at a time until I reached our bedroom to see a distraught Alex and our mothers trying to duck out of the way. I motioned for them to leave us and closed the door.

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