You be crazy

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After Christmas, we thought about how we wanted to celebrate New Year. We had gone to a ski lodge. We've done parties. Las Vegas was out after our spring break when Frazier got married. I was at a loss of what to do. I wouldn't mind just ringing in the new year quietly.

As I settled in with the Christmas present, Ryan gave me; I saw the door opened, and all three guys walked in, then over to the bed. Ryan picked me up, flinging me over his shoulder while Frazier and Jordan got me dressed in my coat and shoes. Seriously, what is with these guys and kidnapping me?

As Ryan carried me out to the car, I had to ask, "Where are we going?"

He set me down, looking me in the eyes, then smiled. I gave him a look as he added, "Home."

It took us a few hours until we arrived home. The first stop was to see my folks, who were beyond happy to see me. The second stop was Ryan's home to see Charles and Maggie, surprised to see all of us. Jordan even went home, taking Elena with him to see his mom and brother.

After visiting with Charles and Maggie, Ryan took me back to my parents so I could spend two days with my folks. It was nice to sleep in my bed and even sweeter to be home. I hadn't realized how homesick I had been since being away these past three and a half years.

After hanging out with my parents, getting caught up with everything going on in my life, I went to bed. I crawled in and drifted off to sleep. Around two in the morning, something awoke me hitting my window. I got out of my bed half asleep and opened my window only to get hit with a pebble.

"Ow," I rubbed my forehead.

"Oops," he winced.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked down to see Ryan looking up at me, grinning like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and closed my window going back to bed. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this boy?

As I snuggled into my little cocoon of blankets and pillows, I heard a tap on my window. I turned to look at the window to see Ryan right outside. I jumped out of bed, running over to the window, throwing it open, almost knocking him off the roof. I caught his hand and helped him inside.

"Are you insane," I yelled in a whisper.

"Maybe just a little," he grinned.

I shook my head. "You be crazy."

He gave me a look. "You be crazy? Is that any way for an English Lit major to talk?"

"It suits the purpose," I shrugged.

He grinned again. Okay, seriously, what the hell is wrong with this boy? As he came closer, then I got a good whiff of him. I couldn't believe it. Ryan was flipping drunk. As he tried to put his arms around me, I dodged out of the way each time as he chased me around my room.

As I was trying to fend off a very drunk, emotional fiancé, I heard something hit my window. I looked out of the window and narrowed my eyes. Then I threw up my window as I heard someone yell, "Oh Alex! Oh Alex! Where for art thou Alex?" It was Frazier.

"That's 'where for out thou,' you idiot! If you quote Shakespeare, then make sure you do it correctly," I yelled in a whisper to them.

"Dude, she called you an idiot." Jordan laughed, drunk off his ass.

"Shh, Alex's parents are sleeping," Ryan said, putting his fingers to his lips, trying to maintain his balance. Someone explained to me how the hell did this guy make it up to my room when he can barely stand?

"It's okay; we're quiet." Frazier held his finger to his lips, trying to shush them playing with his fingers. What the hell did these three idiots drink?

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