Well, Damn, I Wasn't Expecting That

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After the doctor helped Ryan come to and off the floor, I dressed and climbed off the table. The doctor left us alone for a minute.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a shock," he said, rubbing his head, which he hit when he hit the floor.

I looked at him, concerned. "Are you not happy to be having twins?"

He could see the look on my face and took my hands. "Alex, I thought we are having one baby."

Before I let him finish, I snatched my hands away from him. He of all people I thought would be happy. I guess not. Now, what was I going to do?

As I pondered my many thoughts, I turned my back to him. I couldn't face him right now. I had two babies to worry about now. As I stood there thinking to myself, trying to figure out what to do, he touched my arm and gently turned me around. He placed both hands on my arms and looked at me. "You didn't let me finish. I thought we were having one, but to have two is even better."

He smiled at me, and my expression softened crazy pregnancy hormones.

"So, you're thrilled?" I asked him.

"I could not be happier than I am at this moment," he said to me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me into a hug, then the babies started kicking. He let go of me and looked down at my stomach.

"I get it. Trust me, I am happy," Ryan said to my belly.

"Well, at least we know they will let us know if they aren't happy," I giggled. Ryan gave me a look, then grabbed my face, smashing his lips into mine.

"Come on, we have news to tell everyone," he said, taking my hand.

Our first stop was to see our folks and give them the news, which they were ecstatic to hear. Then we had everyone over to provide them with the information.

Ryan made a lot of food, and I sat on the couch with my feet propped up. Another perk of pregnancy is you develop cankles. All the fluids collect. The best solution is to elevate them. The babies were going to town in my belly as they moved around.

I heard a knock on the door and yelled to come in. And the girls and guys did. Marissa and Elena came over and sat down on the couch with me. While Frazier set Junior down, taking a seat and Jordan put Elijah's carrier down.

Ryan popped his head in the doorway. "Food will be ready shortly."

"That's why I enjoy coming here. Ryan's always prepared," Frazier said to Jordan, gesturing at Ryan with his hand.

"Mmm," Jordan said in agreement.

"So, what did the doctor say," asked Elena.

"I'll tell everyone when Ryan is present," I said emphatically.

"Why can't you tell us now since he is just inside the kitchen," Marissa asked.

"Because I promised I wouldn't say anything without him," I smiled, making her roll her eyes and the other's shrug.

"Food's ready," Ryan announced.

Everyone got up with Frazier grabbing Junior and Jordan, grabbing the carrier. Ryan came in and helped me off the couch. I waddled into the kitchen with my belly sticking out, taking a seat next to Ryan.

Everyone dished food onto their plate and dug in. As everyone was eating, Ryan gave me a look, and I nodded, then he said, "We're having twins." Everyone almost choked on their food, spitting it out as we took a bite.

"Damn, I wasn't expecting that," as Frazier was coughing from almost choking on his food as did the others.

"Even with kids you have to one-up us," Jordan said, shaking his head. That made us chuckle.

Once everyone had stopped choking on their food, they all congratulated us, and I let it slip about what happened in the doctor's office.

"Well, at least none of you passed out as Ryan did," I said, taking a sip of my drink, causing them to all look at Ryan and me face palmed himself with a groan. Whoops, my bad.

"For someone so feared you sure are a marshmallow brother," Elena said, taking a bite of food.

"It was a bit of shock to hear the news," he said defensively.

"Sure, it was. So, Alex did he fall face first or backward," Frazier asked.

"He fell back, hitting the floor with a thud. It quite surprised me; he had fallen like that, considering you only see that in the movies," I said.

"Dude can handle blood, getting shot and some psycho lunatic, but can't handle simple news of having twins." Jordan shook his head in amusement.

"Ha, ha, yes, I passed out, but I'm fine now," Ryan said a matter of fact.

"Man, it takes a lot of balls to show your vulnerability like that, but then again, I think you lost them," Frazier snickered.

"That's if he ever had them in the first place," Jordan chuckled.

Ryan set his fork down and looked at them. "Run."

"What?" They both asked.

"Run." He glared at them, making them toss their folks aside and take off. The girls and I sat there to see what he would do, then he picked up his fork and continued eating, and in between bites said, "I have balls, and they're big too."

That made the rest of us laughed.

I looked at him, "Aren't you going to chase them?"

"Nah, I'm too old for that shit, plus I'm a married man, but at least I can still put the fear of God in them," he said as he continued eating.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

The guys did eventually return after they realized Ryan wasn't after them. They finished their food, and finally, everyone left.

We went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was in bed already when Ryan came out of the bathroom in a pair of sweats and nothing else. He walked over to the foot of the bed and looked at me.

"What," I asked him with a look, then he leaned over and grabbed my legs then yanking me down the bed.


"Hush," he said, putting his index to his mouth, signaling me to be quiet, which I closed my mouth. He leaned over and kissed me, then trailing kisses down from my lips all over my body. Then he made his way down and reached under my nightshirt and hooked his thumbs into my panties and pulled them off of me.

I watched as he pushed off his sweats, revealing himself to me. He pulled my legs up to where they were bending. He had me scoot down the bed; until I was almost hanging off the foot of the bed. Then he positioned himself between my legs and slid right in, making me grab the sheets. He leaned over and pushed up my nightshirt, revealing my chest.

He laid kisses on my chest as he roamed my body with his hands as he thrust into me, making me moan in pleasure. Soon he picked up his pace, and my toes pointed as he moved in and out. I felt my muscles tighten around him, and we both exploded, groaning together.

Our bodies came down from our explosion. Ryan leaned over, putting an arm on each side of my head. He gently touched my face as he looked into my eyes. "I love you, Alex."

"I love you, Ryan," then he leaned in and gave me a sweet soft kiss.

No matter what, Ryan always took great care with me and was still gentle. He did nothing that I didn't want to do. It was like that when we met, then got together and as he is now. I couldn't have picked a better person to love and spend my life with than I did with him. The only thing was, he chose me first, and I was glad.

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