You did this to me!

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We got to the hospital, and Ryan helped me inside, and they met us with a nurse and a wheelchair. Well, that was after Ryan yelled like a freaking lunatic for help. The man didn't handle this kind of pressure.

They took me back and got me all checked in and hooked me up to monitors. As my peaks happened, he looked at the paper and was shocked as I dealt with the contractions. Eventually, they moved me into a room.

They hooked me up to an IV, and they inserted monitors inside me. That was fine and all until they fell out. So they strapped the outside monitors onto my belly. People were always in and out of my room, and they told me when I was ready, I could have an epidural. I waited. Yeah, that was stupid because, after seven hours, I caved.

Everyone had to leave the room while they gave it to me. The nurse had me lean my head into her chest, and all I could think of was Frazier makes some inappropriate comments. You can't move, and laughing was a no.

Once they put it in, they lay me down, and I fell asleep. Ryan came in and wanted to know if I was okay. The nurse had to reassure him I was. It was usual for someone to fall asleep after they received the epidural.

I slept for an hour and a half, and he sat next to my bed, rubbing my belly.

"Okay, I know you both aren't due for another month, but how about you go easy on your mom? She needs that, at least," he said, talking to my belly.

I woke up, and he stood up and took my hand, looking at me. Then the nurse came in and checked me, giving us an update. "You're progressing nicely, but now we need to get the babies into position."

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She walked over and picked up this egg-shaped ball. My eyes widen. "What do you want me to do with that?"

"You're getting on your knees and going to lay your chest on it; then you will wiggle your butt back and forth," she said to me. I looked at her then at Ryan, and he covered his mouth. The ass was trying not to laugh.

"Oh, hell, no!"

"Oh, stop being a baby and lay on the egg," she scolded me. I finally complied begrudgingly, and they helped me get on my knees, which let me tell you to be nearly impossible when your legs feel like they are asleep. As I wiggled my butt back and forth, my gown popped open, revealing me mooning anyone that was in the room. Ryan couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing.

"This isn't funny!"

"Yes, it is," he said, laughing, fantastic.

Finally, they took me off the egg, and eventually, I had to use the bathroom. The problem is that when you get an epidural, you cannot get out of bed. Remember this, ladies, because this will start a massive argument with the staff.

After arguing and trying a bedpan, which left me with performance anxiety, I know it's just a bedpan. But it did. I finally had the nurse catheterized me after I told her to. Yes, I heard horror stories, but when you have to pee, it's better than nothing and not that bad. I proved the nurse wrong when I filled a container with urine. Never argue with a pregnant woman.

Eventually, I fell asleep for forty-five minutes, waking up with so much pressure.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked me, concerned.

"I feel like I have to go to the bathroom," I said. "I have so much pressure down there."

"I'll go get the nurse," he said, leaving me and returning with the nurse.

She checked me and then looked at me. "Oh, sweetie, you don't have to use the bathroom. You need to push."

Our eyes widened, and we looked at each other as the nurse went to call the doctor. He showed up shortly later and checked me then looked at me. "Okay, I will change, and then it's time to push."

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