Spring break craziness

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Since Ryan had to have his stitches in for a week that meant a spring break, we had to be careful with whatever we did, and with Frazier wanting to spend time with Marissa, why not pay a week in a secluded wooded area?

We camped on Joseph's property that week, so Marissa could be a part of it, which felt good to have her with us. It didn't feel the same without her. We even put up tents with Frazier, having a hard time with him. Jordan and Ryan got theirs set up in record time. Meanwhile, Frazier almost had it set until it collapsed on him, making him fight his way to an opening.

We couldn't help but laugh before the guys helped him.

"Well, I know who to take with me when I go camping, or I will sleep in the open," Marissa shrugged.

"Well, maybe you could get one of those pop-up tents, no assembly required," Elena giggled.

"Or an inflatable tent, since Frazier does have a lot of hot air," I said snickering.

"My luck, he'll break both," she sighed as we couldn't contain our laughter. We laughed so hard; we fell onto the ground.

"I'm so glad you find amusement in my husband's ineptness."

"No problem," Elena laughed.

As soon as we found our composure, we watched the guys assemble the tent until Frazier tripped, causing the tent to collapse on Ryan and Jordan. This cause the three of us to laugh again.

We laughed even harder when I heard Ryan yell, "Frazier, you damn klutz!"

"What? It's not my fault that pole has to be in the middle!"

"Hey, numb-nuts, that's what gives it the support it needs," Jordan yelled.

Just watching the three of them made us laugh so hard we were crying. Ah, it was just like the good old days.

Ryan gave up trying to help Frazier and let Jordan deal with his sorry ass. It made me wonder what it would be like when we had kids. If Ryan had his way, the kids would know how to do things. Then I realized I felt terrible for Frazier's child. Guess Marissa will have to show them how to do it since she showed the guys how to assemble a tent.

Ryan got a fire going in a rock fire pit, and we pulled out prongs to roast hot dogs over an open fire. We all sat in chairs, frequently turning our hot dogs, so they didn't get burnt. As we ate, Frazier couldn't wait and took a bite, practically burning his mouth.

As we laughed, he said, "Shit, that's hot." He fanned his mouth.

"Only you, Frazier," Ryan said as he shook his head.

"I was hungry," he shrugged.

Jordan shook his head. "I think that pole knocked some sense out of you."

"I still say that's a stupid place to put a pole," he said defensively.

"Only stupid people think that way," Ryan retorted.

"I'll have you know they make tents without those stupid poles," he said smugly.

"Yeah, for toddlers," Jordan snickered, making us all laugh.

After a while, I yawned, covering my hand with my mouth. Ryan took my hand into his. "Tired?"

"Mmm," I said.

"Why don't we hit the hay? Then we can get up early and go hiking," he suggested.

"Works for me," I smiled.

We got up, saying night to everyone, and climbed into our tent. I crawled under the covers and cuddled up to my pillow. Ryan crawled in beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist, snuggling up behind me. Within seconds we were out. I guess fresh air will do that to you.

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