Wedding planning at its best

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After our mothers calmed down once we told them we hired Julia, they worked with her. We also found out that Jordan proposed to Elena that night, just the two of them. It bummed me, but I understood they didn't want a big fuss, and they didn't want a long engagement either. We all had to hide this from our parents. It should help with them tied up with our wedding.

We all packed and moved out of Christine's place and into our new homes. Every house decorated and stocked, so it was less to worry about with everything happening. Thank you, Charles.

We also started our new jobs. Ryan did computer programming for his dad at the hotels and casinos. Elena was the PR person for the hotels. Jordan was interning at a doctor's office as part of his training while taking a few more classes for the medical board to be a practice license professional. Frazier went to work with Kate at the bakery, and Marissa worked with a top designer, designing my wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses.

I still wondered how this would work out with her because of our wedding. Let's hope baby Frazier holds off until after our wedding.

I started work at a publishing house that Charles had bought, but I refused to use that to my advantage and wanted to earn my position. They gave me a job as a copier. I know it's a low position, but eventually, I would work my way up.

Although my boss didn't particularly care for me seeing who the owner was. She spent years working her way up and didn't like some newbie coming in as I did. I tried to let it roll off my back. Well, that was until she made me do grunt work and be her errand girl. I had to keep telling myself that eventually, I would be in a better position.

Since my boss was She-devil herself and made me come in early and leave late from all the work that got dumped on me, it left little time for wedding planning, reduced to the weekends.

I came home late, yet again from work. I set my bag down, and on the counter was a plate with a cover along with a note: Kept dinner warm for you. Eat something, and I'll see you in a few.

I put the note down and dug into the food. I'm famished since She-devil threw so much work on me. I missed lunch. As I scarfed down my meal, I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist from behind me and a soft kiss placed on top of my head. I leaned my head into his chest.

"Rough day," he asked in a husky voice.

"Yeah, I missed lunch again, and I'm still not done with work, which means I have to go in early tomorrow before She-devil shows up," I said, shoving another bite into my mouth.

He moved from behind me and walked around the counter, pouring a cup of coffee, then standing in front of me, leaning on the countertop.

"Did you check about the week for our honeymoon to see if you can get it off?"

"Yes, and her answer was since you're so low on the totem pole, I'm not sure if it will be possible. I doubt you'll be able to go because that's when a lot of manuscripts come in," I said, imitating her nasally voice making Ryan chuckle but also made him irritated with She-devil, herself.

"Alex, you need to demand that week off," he said to me.

"Ryan, I'm trying, but I can't just walk into a place being a new employee and throw demands for even if it's your dad's company. Remember, I didn't want preferential treatment."

"I know, but it's our honeymoon, and I plan on having you every way possible," he smirked, making my cheeks heat. "Plus, if we plan on having a family, why not start right after we get married?"

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For handling things while I deal with She-devil of a boss."

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