Are you seriously out your mind?

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We found ourselves in some warehouse with crates of wrapped items. I didn't know what was in the containers and I didn't bother to find out. All I wanted to do is get out of here. The five of us tried to be quiet, but it's hard to do when you're scared, and you end up separated from your friends.

Ryan and I ended up in one part of the warehouse darting behind crates while the other three ended behind some shelves with items stored on them. We peeked around the things and saw the three of them talking to each other, and then a few others joined them. Max motioned to all of them. "Split up and find them."

"What do you want us to do when we find them?" A guy asked that I didn't recognize.

He looked at them with a glare. "Kill them."

Ryan and I looked at each other and mouthed, "What the fuck?"

Ryan grabbed my hand and led me away from the spot we were in darting in a zigzagging motion until we reached the others. We found them behind the shelves as we heard them getting closer. Frazier opened a container looking inside. He looked at us, whispering, "Here."

We all looked inside, then at him.

"You are seriously out of your mind," Jordan yelled in whispered at him.

"It's here or deals with psycho 1, 2, or 3 and their minions," he whispered back.

"I am not getting in there," Elena whispered in a demanding tone.

"We have little choice," he whispered back.

As they got closer, I whispered, "Container it is," climbing inside along with the others. Frazier closed the lid quietly, and we waited. I bet you're wondering what's in the container. Well, all the crates and tubs were holding preserved bodies. As in dead bodies and we had to share with said body. I'm still trying to figure out what place we were in until I saw a bullet hole in the middle of the dead guy's head. Well, this isn't a funeral parlor of any sort.

"God, it reeks in here," whispered Elena, making a face.

"Shh," Ryan hushed her and us as we heard them walked by us.

I tried to block out the smell, but it was hard; it stunk in there. Note to self throw my clothes away after this and take multiple showers. While it holed us up with this poor dead sap, which I named Larry, they still searched for us.


We pulled up in front of Mason's house, and I climbed out of the back of the vehicle and briskly walked inside. I entered the living room, and they all stood there waiting. I motioned to them, and they followed me out the door. Our wives and sisters stayed behind along with Marissa.

The five of us got inside a black Escalade, and I turned to Hunter and ordered, "Drive." He nodded, and we sped off. Joseph opened a briefcase and turned on the computer that lay inside. He typed in a few commands and up popped the signal. He looked at the screen, seeing the dots in one spot.

"Well," I asked, not turning around.

"They're in the warehouse on 25th street," he said back to me.

"Figures they would take them there. They have no imagination like their fathers," Elliot smirked.

"Elliot, this is not the time," I snapped.

"Lighten up, brother dear," he said.

"Turn down this street, Hunter," Joseph directed Hunter, who just nodded, turning the vehicle onto the street where the warehouse sat.

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