Chapter Eleven

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Pidge held her brother's corps in her arms as tears couldn't stop falling down her face. What has she done?

She had never felt so alone before.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!" She screamed loudly as she sobbed. She killed her own brother.


Shiro awoke and fell out of the healing pod into Allura's arms. "How are you doing Shiro?" She asked.

"I am fine." He answered yet he felt sort of dizzy

"Your wound has healed, but you should still take it easy." She told him.

"Will do." He left her arms as he went to sit on the couch to rest a bit. Than is, until he heard Pidge's scream.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Her voice echoed in the halls. That sent shivers down his spin.

"What happened?" Allura asked.

"I don't know, but I am checking it out." Shiro said already running towards the source, who knows what happened to Pidge.

"No! Shiro! Be careful!" Allura warned.


Shiro than approached the room he swore it was coming from, and saw Lance and Hunk there.

"What happened?" Shiro asked.

"We don't know! The door is locked!" Hunk stated.

"Move over!" Shiro said as his arm started to glow purple. He than got to his knees and cut a way through with his hand.

Once he had the outline, he kicked the rest through. What he saw inside was not a view he wanted to see. Blood was everywhere. Than he saw Pidge holding her dead brother's body. Tears were falling down her face, as she looked as if she was going to faint.

"Pidge!" Shiro yelled getting the green paladin's attention.

Her face was white with fear. Her eyes were red from crying. Her clothes were stained with blood.

Matt was gone forever.

"He is g-gone..." She said with cracks in her voice.

Hunk and Lance followed behind Shiro, both froze in their tacks when witnessing what just happened.

"Get away from me..." She stated. "Get away from me or might kill you too... I'm a monster..."


It was hard. It was hard for her to let go of the last family member she had. She had worked so hard to get her family back, and now they're gone forever.

She couldn't forgive herself. She had killed her brother, and now she was truly alone.

She didn't cry though. After a well deserved shower, she didn't cry. She lost all emotion. Everything was dull. Plus, if she didn't have emotion, the Galra side couldn't come out again.

If you were to describe how the world felt to her right now, it would be grey. If felt like everything left it's color. Including her emotions. She was grey...

She demanded her door stay locked at all times. She wouldn't let anyone in. She didn't anyone to risk their lives.

She isolated herself from everyone else.

She built her own prison.


Shiro didn't know how to feel. His best friend was dead, and the person he loved the most completely shut everyone out, because she felt like a monster.

Some how, Shiro still felt like this was all his fault. If he had listen to her, her brother would still be alive, she wouldn't feel like monster, and the team wouldn't be broken.

Keith. It's as if his closest friend wasn't even here anymore. He was still lonely and didn't know how to handle it.

Allura. Pidge was like a sister to her, and for Allura to see Pidge like this, it kills her. She Just wants the best for her and feels like she is constantly failing her, because she can't do anything about it.

Hunk. He tries his best to make everyone feel happy, but can't seem to succeed. Mostly because, he can't seem to be happy himself.

Lance. He tries to hold the team together. He tries his hardest be a leader, but he just wasn't build for the part.

Everyone was broken, and if the Galra came right now, the team wouldn't be able to defend.

This time, the Galra finally hit a home run. They hit Voltron at their weakest point.


I know this is a shorter chapter. Usually my chapters range from 1,100 words to 1,700 words, but this chapter only has 700. I have my reasons.


...for me at least. I don't have school on fridays. Anyways, yeah. I might do two chapters a day until Monday. Who knows. I took tests in all of my classes today so they didn't assign homework. So yeah, I can't promise next week though.

Anyways, see ya in the next chapter!


PS. Votes are Appreciated!~

Like a Grape (Shidge AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now