Chapter Seven

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Shiro placed down the green paladin's old journal when he started to here beeping coming from the control room.

He slowly walked out of his room, to see what was going on. He noticed that everyone was now sleeping so he was the only one who noticed it.

He walked up, and unlock his control panel.

According to the castle, there was a string of energy coming from a location, turning on and off in intervals of tone.

At first he wondered what this could be, but than he recognized the pattern. Morris Code.

But that was an Earth communication code, why would someone in space be using it.

"SOS" The beeping spelled out.

What a minute, what if that was Pidge?!

He had to find out. He located the source of the energy to a planet he vaguely recognized.

Immediately, he ran to his lion, and headed straight for the planet. He was going to find her.


"Katie. You have been trying to signal them for the past thirty minutes. Are you sure they are coming?" Matt asked as he was hugging his sister.

It had gotten so cold that Matt and Pidge would freeze to death if they didn't hold on to each other, so they hugged as Pidge amplified the quintessence in her arm.

"Matt, we can't loose hope. I know they will find us." Pidge said trying to reassure her brother. "But while we are waiting, I have a question. Do you know where dad is?"

Matt stayed silent, he knew very well of where their father was, but he didn't want to tell her.

"Matt?" She called again.

Tears started to flow down Matt's eyes. Pidge could feel the cold drops fall onto her shoulder.

"Where is dad?" She asked again.

"H-He i-is..." Matt tried to let out. "g-gone..."

Pidge knew what he ment, and it hurt, it hurt a whole lot, but than again, she could understand. He was old. How was he suppose to survive those Galra prisons. "Dad's dead?" She asked trying to confirm what her brother was trying to tell her.

Matt just started sobbing, he couldn't keep it in. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

"If you refuse to help us, we will kill you dear old father!" A galra commander of high rank yelled at Matt. He didn't care to remember his name.

Than the Galra Commander than signaled another guard, as he let in Sammuel Holt, Matt's father.

"Don't listen to him son!" Sammuel yelled as he was chained to a lead ball.

"Will you let him die because of your arrogance?" The Commander stated.

They knew of Matt's intellectual knowledge and they asked him to help them with their cause. He refused.

"Don't follow, please!" Sammuel pleaded. "I would rather die, than to see my son become corrupt!" Sammuel than proceeded to spit on the commander showing disrespect.

"Fine than!" The commander grew furious. He than pulled out his dagger.

"No!" Matt screamed.

"Will you help us?"

Matt stayed silent, he didn't know what to say or do.

"Too late!" The command took the dagger and proceeded to stab Sammuel in the gut.

Like a Grape (Shidge AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now