Chapter 4

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Kayla's pov

It was Friday And for some reason we were off today. I didn't question it, I was tired. Plus I'd have to meet up with Lauren later. She told me to look nice so I guess wherever we were going was nice. I honestly didn't even want to go out, I'm not a partying type. Plus going out with her will cause attention to me, and I am not good at being in the center. Whatever what was I thinking. People would kill to hang out with her, heck a few months ago I was one of them. I looked at the clock to see it was 6:30 and I told Lauren I'd meet her at her house At 8. I quickly took a shower and went to my closet and found my black form fitting dress. This was probably the dressiest thing I own. I put make up on and straightened my hair. I then looked at myself in the mirror, I thought I looked good, but standing next to Lauren anywhere I know I'd always look second best. I sighed and grabbed my keys and walked to my car and began to drive. I don't know why I was so nervous, I'm used to Lauren. I arrived at a gate of a huge house. That's why I'm nervous. I am nothing like her. I'm a second class, 20 year old, regular girl. I dont belong hanging out with the rich and famous. I'm not good enough. No I need to stop thinking that way. That's why Lauren is doing this. Sure I'd been put down and told I wouldn't amount to anything but look at me now, I'm driving into Lauren Cohan's drive way to hang out with her and working on the walking dead. Sure I was an intern, but who else could say they were working on their favorite show. That somehow built my confidence. I smiled and for once felt better about myself. I parked my car In front of the house and began walking to the door. I rang the door bell and Lauren answered. Confidence gone again after seeing her. She was wearing a blue and black form fitting dress and looked like a goddess. I looked plain and simple next to her. I sighed, but smiled,


"hey!" She smiled and hugged me.

"You look so pretty!" She exclaimed releasing the hug.

I blushed," thanks"

"come on in for a second, I gotta grab something." She said and grabbed my hand.

I smiled and let her lead me into her humongous home. I gawked at the size of it. My attention was on everything except where she was leading me. She finally led me into her living room where I about jumped out of my shoes when everyone yelled


I was shocked. The whole cast and crew was there! All dressed In nice clothes.

"What is this!" I exclaimed and turned to Lauren.

"It's a welcome to the family party for you!" She smiled.

I was speechless so I just hugged her and she laughed. Everyone went back to the party and Lauren grabbed my arm,

"come on you're going to meet the rest of the cast."

She dragged me to Steven and Andrew first. Once they saw me they both hugged me.

"Surprised?" Andrew asked.

I just blushed and nodded. After daryl, Rick was probably my second favorite character.

"I'm going to go get us something to drink." Lauren smiled and left.

I knew she did it so I'd be forced to talk to different people. I just looked nervously at them. "Still nervous?" Steven asked.

"That obvious?" I laughed.

"It's ok you'll get used to it. You're one of us now." Andrew said.

I blushed. It took Lauren about a half hour to get our drinks cause she was leaving me alone. When she arrived back, Steven, Andrew and I were talking like we've known each other for years. She then introduced me to Scott and chandler. I found it easiest to talk to them out of everyone here. I was then introduced to Melissa. I hated the character carol though, I was so jealous of her relationship with daryl.

"So you watch the show for a while?" She asked, both her and Lauren starring at me.

I nodded.

"Who's your favorite character?" She asked.

"Daryl" I sighed.

She smiled,"mine too" we all 3 laughed.

"Have you talked to norman yet?" She asked.

I shook my head no. I didn't even know he was here. I hadn't seen him and by the expression on Lauren's face neither has she.

"If you'll excuse me I'm going to use the restroom." I sighed and walked away.

I didn't really have to go but I had to take a break from meeting new people. This was a big step for me and it was exhausting. I had no idea where the bathroom is so I thought I'd just go exploring. It wasn't long until I saw a balcony outside. I opened the glass door and walked to the railing of it and looked at the stars. This place was quiet and beautiful. I could really think now. These people have gone out of their way to show me that they care. I smiled to myself, I just proved everyone wrong tht doubted me coming here. Then I thought, I had met everyone except for the one man that meant the most to me. Norman. Was he even here? Maybe he didn't show. I mean it would be easier, but it would also hurt. God this sucks.

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