Chapter 8

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Kayla's pov.

"Robert?" Lauren asked.

He just smiled and walked over to us.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked kinda embarrassed.

"Long enough" he replied all smiles. "Looks like you both got that scene down"

"umm ya, Lauren wanted me to help her with it so whenever you hire someone to play Lilly, she'll be ready." I said nervously.

"Good." He said all smiles,"anyways so kayla you remember at the party when I was telling you the reason I haven't casted a Lilly yet is because she has to be specifically what I'm looking for?" He asked.

I nodded. What was he getting at?

"Well I found her." He said smiling.

Lauren started smiling real wide but what he was saying went right over my head,

"you did?"

He got closer to me,"ever think about acting?"

My eyes got wide, I understood what he meant now,

"wait are you asking me to play Lilly?"

He nodded and my heart beat crazily. I started sweating and said nothing. There is no way this is happening. I looked to Lauren who was all smiles and looked back to Robert,

"are you sure?"

He and Lauren laughed at the same time and he responded,

"couldn't be more positive. So what do you say?"

I looked back to Lauren who was nodding for me and back to Robert,

"I'd love to."

Lauren squealed and Robert shook my hand and walked away. Lauren wrapped me in a hug, but I was still frozen. This had to be a dream,

"did that really just happen?"

"Your whole life is going to change!" Lauren squealed.

It still hasn't set in yet.

"Wait till norman finds out kayla!" She smiled and I froze even more.

What will his reaction be? We walked back to the set and met up with Robert. He approached us,

" I want to start shooting Lilly's scenes tomorrow. The first one where they find her. Can you have em memorized by then?"

I nervously nodded and took the script from his hands.

"You'll have a trailer tomorrow, but today you can share Lauren's. I want you in there the rest of the day memorizing."

I nodded and walked away to her trailer.

Normans p.o.v

I got to set around 7;45 today and got transformed into daryl. And quickly ran to the prison. I got in and looked around frantically. I wanted to see kayla before shooting. She was no where to be found, why did I get nervous? Robert called us around for a meeting, but I paid no attention. I looked around for the girl everywhere around the crew. Nothing. I heard a giggle from behind me. I turned to see Lauren had moved next to me. She had to have noticed me looking around.

"She's fine." She whispered.

"Where's she at?" I whispered back.

"Tell ya later." She whispered back

A dream becomes reality (norman reedus fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now