Food For Thought

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Jin pov

"He is messed up. Who even does that?" I say as I take a chump out of my french fry. Hoseok looks at me hesitantly while he swallows his food.

"Maybe you hit a soft spot for him." Hoseok replies and I glare.

"A soft spot? He literally blew up because I said he could do what ever he wanted!" I hiss and he taps his chin.

I slouch in my seat as we sit in the school dining hall. Today, they had a special on American cuisine and neither of us could resist the burger and fries. It is slightly annoying that I have to block out the hundred other people talking though. Almost as annoying as Hoseok defending Namjoon.

"He seemed nice, but my real question is what's up with his friend that doesn't speak?" I sigh and massage my brow. This whole conversation has gone completely over his head. I am sharing my problems and he's worried about Yoongi.

"I don't know. He'll talk if he wants too." I look at my plate and frown. "I'm not feeling my food anymore. I'm going to just head back to my dorm."  Hoseok stands when I do and pouts.

"Are you sure?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'll probably feel better when I take a nap. I'm just a little high strung." I say goodbye and walk away. I place my half eaten food and cup on the conveyer belt before leaving. Maybe, I'm thinking too hard about everything. It's not like it'll ruin anything-

My heart sputters when I see Lee Sung Kyung walking towards me. It's only been a day since all this transpired and I tried to clear things up when I sent a message, but she was still a little upset. When she stops in front of me with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised, I gulp.

"You like dick?"

I shake my head, "No, a guy in the club I'm in stole my phone and typed that. It was a joke... I swear- I messaged that." She rolls her hazel eyes, but doesn't push any further.

"So are you going to entertain me now?" She asks while holding my arm and I can't help but notice a few girls walking by who curse under their breathes. They don't need to worry. we aren't dating.

"Yeah, what do you want to do?" I question and she smiles.

"Lets go ice skating! I haven't gone yet this year and it's our tradition!" I nod my head and walk with her toward the school parking lot. "You've been so busy and I got lonely without you."

"My classes take up a lot of my schedule." I explain while glancing in the direction of my dorm sadly. I guess sleep will have to wait. I do feel bad since I've been blowing her off all week.

I listen as she talks about her day and how her chemistry teacher is out to kill her. It's nice hearing her laugh and smile instead of being in a dark place. We continue on with her doing most of the talking until we reach my car. When I unlock the car, a black Honda civic pulls up next to us. I don't pay it any mind until the familar blonde and mint hair become visable.

Yoongi exits from the passengers side and Namjoon the drivers side. "Jinnie, are you going to unlock the door?" Sung Kyung asks gaining Namjoon and Yoongi's attention. I curse and fumble in my pockets before pulling out my keys and unlocking the door.

"Sorry," I mumble while focusing solely on her because Namjoon is staring daggers at me. I quickly open my door and sit on my side while Sung Kyung gets adjusted.

"Who were they?" She asks and I groan.

"Irrelevant people." I answer before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

I flip over in my bed and bite my lip as I recall how Namjoon stared at me like he wanted to kill me. I should be the one mad! He almost made Sung Kyung think I was gay! I shut my eyes and take a calming breath. I need to stop thinking like this. I am 24 years old and do not need this childish drama. If he wants to be petty, then so be it.

Lets think of something more...not Namjoon. Hmmm, food. I love food. My mouth waters when I realize I haven't eaten in 2 hours. I was supposed to be asleep, but my thoughts have been keeping me up and it's already passed 3 am. My stomach growls and I make the executive decision to make myself something to eat and by make I mean Ramen noodles.

Soon enough I'm sitting on my bed again while slurping some noodles up. I got the spicy kind and hiss when it starts to burn, but moan cause it taste so good. My thoughts about the food being good are short lived when I realize it'll have a negative affect on my body.

I should do a few push ups. Getting up from my bed, I put the noodles down and get in plank position on the floor. I lower myself down and flex my arms as I rise back up. I continue to go up and down for another 50 push ups before I call it quits from breaking a sweat.

I wipe my forehead as I start to feel tired. I glance at my noodles and frown. I should probably throw the rest away but I scrunch my nose up. It can wait till later. I turn my lights off and throw myself on the bed.


A/N Yup, next chapter. I am lit for this story. I love namjin so much I can't take it omg. The home party was the other day and let me tell you something Jin rapping Nevermind was the death of me. Jin is my bias as you could tell from my profile picture and he killed me with this. This has been the funniest thing he has done to date. I couldn't contain the feels. I had to pause the video and get a breather before starting it again. Welp, until next time! Deuces!

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