The Holiday of Love

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Jin pov

Curse it all to hell.

Ugh look at all these couples. I swear all the lovesick puppies come out on Valentine's day. If this was an anime all of them would have hearts for eyes. I grimace as I walk to the center square and spot a few students handing out pink and red roses to the people passing. I'm about to make it through the wave of students and get to my building when I'm stopped by Nayeon of all people who has a bouquet of red roses in her hand. "Hi, Seokjin!" 

I offer a polite smile since she isn't a bad person. "Hi, Nayeon. How are you?" She blushes and grips the bouquet a little tighter.

"I'm remembered my name." She glances up at me with timid eyes and I grimace. Crap, did I just unintentionally give her hope? Quick fix it!

"Well, your name is pretty easy to remember." I explain and her smile deflates a bit before she regains her confidence.

"Are you doing anything today? I know it's a Wednesday, but maybe you would like to go out when you're finished with your classes?" I feel bad all of a sudden because she's trying so hard, but I really do have plans. I mean she's not a bad person...

"I actually made plans with a friend today, but we could hang out another day if you would like." She nods her head vigorously and holds a red rose out to me.

"Here! I picked the best batch of roses. This one isn't wilted at all!" I chuckle and take it from her hand. 

"Thank you." I smell it but hold it back out to her, "I think the most beautiful rose suits you better though." Her hand shakes a little as she takes it back for herself. "Don't let anyone else have that rose okay?" She nods her head. "Happy Valentine's Day."

I start to walk away and she calls out to me, "Happy Valentine's Day!" 

I have a serious problem when it comes to leading people on. 

Damn, I'm too smooth.

It's a sickness.


Yoongi pov

The air has no mercy as it chews away at my flesh. Why the hell didn't I bring my gloves? I stuff my hands into my pocket as I wait on the side of the street for my date. I smile just thinking about him. He's perfect, but I get the feeling he doesn't think so. The times we talked on Skype before meeting he always seemed so confident and charismatic, but once we met it completely went away. That's going to be a problem since he told me straight up that he was scared if we met in person, I would be disappointed.

I'm temporarily warmed when I see his figure making his way down the busy street. He has a white scarf wrapped around his neck with matching earmuffs and a cozy tan winter coat to match. He's all types of cute, but I control my emotions when he stands right in front of me. I'm glad he's warm, that's when I'm shocked back into the cold weather that we're in. "Hey, rice cake." He pouts, but doesn't object since I've been calling him that for months.

"You changed your hair." He comments and I bring my hand to head. 

"Oh yeah, I dyed it on Sunday. I decided to go back to black and let my hair get healthy again." 

"It looks nice," He pauses before his eyes widen, "You're not wearing any gloves! You must be freezing." He begins to take one of his off, but I push it away.

"I'm fine. You should stay warm." He shakes his head.

"How about I give you one and I keep one." He holds it out to me again. "I also have heat packs." 

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