Street Food for the Drunks

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Jin pov

Any other day, I would have never separated from the group and gone off alone with Namjoon, but I have had too many drinks in my system to care. I am far from being a sloppy drunk. I consider myself a transparent drunk. That's probably why I couldn't keep my face from scowling when Jimin mentioned going to the club. I personally would like to avoid any awkward moments and showing my terrible dance skills is not on the list for tonight. Not to mention, it was hard to miss Jimin's face when he saw me. He went to my high school too and if he's friends with Taehyung that is too many people that know my secret. I cannot be with both of them any longer. 

So here I am with Namjoon walking next to me with his hands in his coat pocket and his red ears freezing in the cold. I can feel my nose going numb, but that doesn't stop my craving for warm street food to fill my stomach as we walk through the busy crowd. "What are you in the mood for?"

I think for a moment, "A warmed sweet potato or Hotteok." Namjoon scans the stands for what I'm looking for before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him to one with a middle aged woman behind it frying different filled Hotteok on a metal stove. She smiles at us and asks how many we want.

"Can I have one filled with brown sugar? What do you want?" I ask Namjoon and he waves his hand away.

"I don't like sweets that much." It must be the alcohol because I smack him in the arm playfully.

"Nonsense. You have to try this. It's like a pancake filled with heaven." I explain to the best of my abilities, before purchasing one for him too. The lady wraps ours up and hands them to us with a smile since she just made another 5,000 won. I begin to nibble on mine as we walk again and decide to sit on a bench in a less trafficked place away from the stands. Namjoon is staring at the Hotteok like it might sprout legs any minute, making me move it closer to his mouth. "Just try a piece."

He doesn't make a move and I do the boldest thing I've done all night. I lean in and take a bite of his before glancing up at him. "You can think of it as an indirect kiss since you want me so badly." I suggest, but he seems to be focused on my lips instead. Before I can react his hand is wiping a few crumbs off my mouth slowly. Our eyes are locked and I can't find the strength to pull away until someone grumbles under their breath.

"That isn't something you should be doing in public." I turn my head away and notice a man standing in front of us with a look of disgust on his face. "If you want to act indecent, do it behind closed doors." He scolds and I press my lips together before rising from the bench.

"Sorry," I whisper and start to walk away with Namjoon at my side in a matter of seconds. His hand brushes against my free hand and I move it away and grab my Hotteok with both hands smoothly. He doesn't say anything as I keep walking to no where in particular until we end up by the Han River park that separates Gangnam Gu from Gwangjin Gu. I sigh and sit down on the grassy hill that leads into the water before biting into my snack that has no flavor on my taste buds anymore. 

I eat the whole thing in just a few bites, filling my cheeks before swallowing it all down. The whole time Namjoon takes a few small bites from his, but doesn't say anything as he stares out into space thoughtfully- "What was that about?"

I wish I didn't eat mine so fast so I wouldn't have to talk, but here I am with no excuse. I can tell he's looking at me now, but I keep my face staring straight ahead as I try to collect my scrambled thoughts. It's kind of hard since my state of mind is not as stable as it was a couple hours ago so I do the next best thing and keep my mouth shut. "Don't worry about that guy. If you're confident in your sexuality, his words shouldn't hurt you." 

"What if I'm not?"

The words slip from my mouth before I can stop them and I wince when Namjoon's eyes turn into saucers as I try to back track. "I-I don't know why I said that. I've had too much to drink." I laugh nervously, but his face turns serious, making me quiet down. 

"So did you like the other poster in my room?" He asks and I narrow my eyes.

"The underwear looked comfortable." He sighs and hugs himself to stay warm. 

"What do you think everyone else is doing?" 

"I don't know...dancing. I'm going to go buy more food." I stand up. "You coming?" Namjoon grunts as he rises to his feet and soon enough we walk back into the heart of all the food stands and I try to forget my slip up to the best of my abilities. 

That Jin is dead to me.


Updates after updates! Hope you all loved this chapter and are thirsty for the next! Until next time my Burritos! Deuces!

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