A Simple Night Out

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Jin pov

"I am eating three times a day." I sigh and Hoseok cracks a smile. "My grades are fine." This time Momo chuckles because she saw the D I am trying to pull up in my Isom class. "Yup, I will finish my last semester strong." Hoseok puts up a fist and Momo gives a thumbs up. "I love you too."

After that I hang up and take a bite out of my meat lovers pizza. "She can talk your ear off if you let her." I groan, but Hoseok seems to not agree.

"I love talking to your mom. She's really sweet and sends you nice care packages." He admits and I roll my eyes. "What? I can't resist chocolate chip cookies."

"The fact that you like talking to my mother more than me is a problem." I state and they both agree, but don't question why I try not to speak to my mom as much as possible. Its better that way anyways. Everything is just better when no questions are asked. It takes less pressure off of me. I take a sip of my soda and sink into the booth to get more comfortable while Hoseok wipes some crumbs off of Momo's lip, making her blush. She shoves him away playfully, but Hoseok and I both know she loves when he takes care of her.

Almost as if she can sense me judging her, Momo turns to me and points her slice of pizza at my face. "Nayeon really wants to meet up with you again." I scrunch my nose up at the mention of her friend and that pathetic blind date Hoseok forced me into. 

"No thank you. She seems nice, but I'm not in the right place to be dating." I answer smoothly and shift in my seat when my phone buzzes in my back pocket. I lift up a little and pull it out of my pants. It lights up in my hand and I see that Namjoon is calling me. My eyebrows furrow but I click the answer button anyways, "Hello?"

"Oh, don't be that surprised." He says and I find myself smiling at his humor. 

"What do you want Namjoon?" I deadpan and don't miss the way Hoseok gives me a questioning look and I wave him off. 

"I'm going out to Karaoke tonight with my cousin and a few of his friends and thought it would be more fun if you came. If you want, you can bring some of your friends too." He invites and I grimace at the offer. Another evening with Taehyung? It's been a week since I saw him at the club meeting and I am not ready to throw myself back into the socializing atmosphere. 

"I don't think-"

"Oh, please? It'll be fun." He practically begs. I hold the phone away from me and look at it like it's the devil. I should have never picked up. "It's a break between classes too. It's Friday and a great way to start the weekend." 

"What is he asking?" Hoseok whispers.

"He's inviting us to karaoke." I whisper back and his eyes light up.

"Yes. Finally some fun. Let's go." I groan and curse because I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Seokjin-think before you speak. 

"Okay...send us the location. What time is everyone meeting up?" Namjoon doesn't say anything for a moment probably in shock that I accepted, but quickly riddles off that he'll text me the name of the place and to be there by seven. It's 5:30 now so we don't have to leave yet. After a small goodbye, we hang up and I am faced with both my friends giving me a creepy grin. "What?"

Momo gives Hoseok a look and they both start whistling casually. I roll my eyes and decide last minute that I should invite Lee Sung Kyung so she can be the buffer between all of us. These two are acting strangely and I am not sure how I feel about that. I push my confused thoughts away and 45 minutes later we are on the road to pick up Lee Sung Kyung back on campus.

It doesn't take long to pick her up because as soon as we pull up by the main entrance she is standing outside, shuffling on her cold feet while trying to stay warm in her winter coat. She all but melts when she gets hit with my cars warm heat coming out of the vents. "It is too cold to be standing outside this time of night." She complains and I smile at her in the mirror, catching her eye that holds a playful glint in it. "So karaoke? I am starting to feel social...if that's possible."

I shake my head, "It's not going to be a huge thing. Just some of Taehyung's friends and Namjoon and Yoongi...I think." She puts her seat belt on and Momo smiles at her sweetly. "This is going to be fun," I try to convince myself, but can't get this bad feeling out of the pit of my stomach.



We have to park in an underground parking lot since the karaoke place named Lulu's is in the heart of Seoul. The four of us walk on the side walk in pairs, Hoseok with Momo in front and Sung Kyung with me a few steps behind. She nudges my side and I turn to face her. "Do you even really want to be here?"

I exhale, "It's just one night."

She narrows her eyes, "Why did you force yourself to come? You could have just said no." I shrug my shoulders when we reach Lulu's and push the glass double doors open. The entrance is darkly lit with red lights and five tables scattered around a few feet from a bar. Five people are sitting at the stools and I scrunch up my nose from the smell of smoke.

My eyes spot Namjoon sitting at a table in the far corner with Taehyung, Yoongi and one other guy facing away from us. Momo is the second to spot them and waves at them frantically before dragging Hoseok with her.

Here goes nothing.

Sung Kyung and I meet them at the table, casually joining the conversation with Taehyung introducing the mystery man to us. "This is Jeon Jungkook. He works at the same convenient store as me part time. He's two years younger than me though."

The greetings flow nicely and Jungkook smiles shyly since he's the youngest amongst us all. "Ah-" I yelp when Sung Kyung bumps into me and I have to regain my balance. I know why when Suran's head pops up from next to her as she back hugs Sung kyung.

"I didn't know you would be here." Suran says when she releases Sung Kyung from her death hug and smooths out her clothes. Sung Kyung has to calm down from the shock before she answers her.

"Jin invited me. I didn't know you were coming either." Suran waves her hand dismissively and puts it on Yoongi's shoulder bringing attention to him.

"He invited me too." She states.

"How do you two know each other?" I don't realize I'm the one that asked that until all eyes are on me and I find myself shrinking back. Suran doesn't say anything and waits for Yoongi to answer. He takes the hint and sighs like it is a burden to even bother explaining their relationship.

"She is on my team for a group project in my class where we have to compose two songs and we just became friends...so I invited her- Simple." He answers and I fold my arms.

Okay, then.

The air becomes tense until a lady in maybe her early 30's walks over clicking her black heels that match her tight black dress. She's holding a planner and runs her index finger down the page. "Kim party. The room is ready for you now." Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook all stand from their chairs as we get ready for the lady to lead us down the hall. "My name is wonnie and if you need anything just call for me." She opens a door to a medium sized room with a 55 inch flat screen televison on the wall and wrap around couch with black cushions and a table in the center.

We all file in behind Wonnie as she sets everything up, "On the side of the table is the call button. Press that and I'll come. You can order drinks and food as well." She takes a tablet off the counter that's under the televison and hands it to Taehyung. "Use this to choose your songs. There are three mics." She points to the stand holding the microphones. "If you want the flashing lights just hit this switch." She flips the wall light and a rainbow of colors dash across the walls and hit our bodies. "Have fun and remember you are charged by the hour."

When she leaves everyone gets settled and somehow I end up sandwiched between Namjoon and Taehyung since Suran dragged Sung Kyung to sit by her and Yoongi is seated on the edge next to Suran. "What song are you going to sing?" Namjoon whispers into my ear and I lean away from him before relaxing.

"I have no idea," but it seems like I don't have to choose just yet since Jungkook grabs the mic first. So I settle back into my seat and prepare for a long night of too much bass and no personal space to breathe.


The night is just beginning. Let's see what's in store for them in the next chapter. Keep reading my lovely Burritos, deuces!

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