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Jin pov

The scent of coffee fills my nostrils as I sit inside the café finishing my homework before my 4 o'clock lecture. I crack my neck as I shift in my seat and shut my tired eyes from looking at the screen too long. I lift my cup to my lips and swallow the bitter but sweet liquid. While I'm wiping my lips a girl walks up to me and smiles timidly as I scan her from her waist up.

She's cute with her medium length jet black hair and straight bangs. She's wearing a light purple winter coat and black gloves that cover her slender hands. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold wind outside and snow. I raise a brow and she bites on her lip nervously before pulling out her phone. "Can I please have your number?" She blurts out and I sigh.

I take her phone from her hand and open up the camera lens, "Instead of my number, how about you show your friends this." I stand and wrap my arm around her shoulder, making her squeal. "Smile." I quickly take a photo of us and hand her her phone back. "I have to go, but stay warm." She bows her head to me as I pack away my laptop and gather the rest of my things. I wink at her before leaving the tiny coffee shop on campus and heading to my class.

I'm a senior in college and ever since I stepped foot on this campus three and a half years ago I got an unusual amount of attention. It didn't matter what organization I joined or where I went, I was always someone's eye candy. I'm not known by everyone in the slightest, but I do turn heads when I walk by.

It would be a lie if I said it hasn't all gone to my head. Almost 4 years of flattery can build confidence especially if you didn't have any before...

An hour has gone by since my rural Korean history class began. Only another two hours to go~

I rub my eyes when I feel them starting to get heavy. Why did I sign up for a 3 hour lecture again? Oh yeah, because this class is only once a week. For the rest of the class, I listen to my teacher talk and take notes, but all I can think about is the food I'm going to eat afterwards.

I'm supposed to meet Hoseok at 8 to go to some new restaurant that opened up recently. I have no problem with that. Apparently, they have good reviews. I hope it won't be too crowded though because I hate waiting.

Soon enough the class is over and I'm on my way to the parking lot to meet Hoseok. I see him standing alone on the sidewalk on his phone probably messaging his girlfriend. They've been dating since last year and have been going strong ever since. Good for him.

"Hey, Hobie!" I call out and he looks up and smiles.

"You had me waiting out here forever." He whines while I chuckle.

"I told you I wouldn't be here until around 8." I check my clock and see it's five minutes passed. "You should really work on your patience."

He puckers up his lips and folds his arms, "You should pay since you're older and almost made me get frostbite."

I roll my eyes, and put him in a head lock while simultaneously dragging him to my car. "You big baby."


I frown as I see that at least three groups of people are already waiting for a table. "Hobie, we should go somewhere else."

He shakes his head. "No, I wanted to try this really badly."

"Can't you just go with Momo? You know, your girlfriend?" He gives me a look before shaking his head again.

"No, she's busy all week and I can't wait. Plus, all the discounts will be over before she's free." He gives me puppy dog eyes and tugs on my arm which attracts attention from a few people standing around. I feel my face heating up out of embarrassment so I give in.

"Okay, okay. Hold on." I walk over to the counter and smile at the man that must be in his early 30's. His hair is gelled perfectly to make him look younger and I can't help but notice that he even did his own eyebrows. I guess looks are everything. "Hi, my friend and I would like to be put on the waiting list." The way he gazes at my face for longer than necessary tells me he's not the straightest man in this establishment.

His eyes flicker to my mouth and I roll my eyes. "Excuse me." Somehow, he manages to gather himself before nodding along and writing my name down when I tell him. It just so happens that when I'm about to sit back down three people leave the restaurant.

"Oh, I can seat you now." He states and I knit my eyebrows together.

"Are you sure?" I question while pointing to the other people waiting.

"Yes, everyone else has a big group-"

"Not us and we've been waiting for half an hour." A raspy voice calls from behind me. I turn to see a man with blonde hair about my height or an inch taller walking over. "We have two people too."

I glance behind him to see another man with mint green hair. This guy has such a blank look on his face, it doesn't even seem like he cares. However, I focus my attention back on the annoyed costumer in front of me. "Don't think you can use your looks to get a table. I caught that."

My eye twitches and I exhale deeply. "First, I didn't do anything; he offered. Second, if you want the damn table, take the table."

As if he wasn't just threatening me, he smiles and showcases his heart stopping dimples. I literally have to reel in my emotions before anyone notices and put my shield up. "Thanks, your not so bad, huh?" He pats my back and walks towards the employee that let me cut the line. "If you want dick just buy a dildo."

The way everyone in an ear shot radius mouths drop, including myself, has me red in the face. It's even more insane that his friend remains nonchalant about it all as they are quickly escorted to their seats. My eyes follow the bold blonde before he's out of range and all I can see is his forehead because he's blocked by the tables and chairs.

Who the hell is that?

"Jin?" I blink and focus back on Hoseok.

"Yeah, let's just go to a different restaurant." I mumble and surprisingly Hoseok doesn't try to argue.

A/N First chapter! Yay~ Hope you all enjoyed and continue to read. I have some really good ideas for the plot. Don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading list. Until next time my Burritos, DUECES!

P.S Here is the official trailer!

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