chapter eight

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the next morning I awake to someone shouting, "ace?"

shit. he's such a heavy sleeper and could probably sleep all day if no one woke him, but I had to get home.

"ace," I nudged him, "get up!"

"wha?" he manages to mumble, not even completing the full word.

"you gotta get up, your family's calling you and they won't be pleased if they come down here to find me with you." I explain.

"oh, yeah, yeah, okay." he grumbles and starts getting up.

"what's the plan?" I hiss.

"okay, god my head is killing me, so I'm going to go up there and clean myself up and then what?" he asks, it's clear he's miserable but it's his own fault.

"what about my bag?" I ask.

"what about it?" he said.

"it's still in your car, I can't go home in the same outfit as yesterday and looking like this." I say and motion towards my outfit.

"right. shit. okay." he says starting to get stressed out. "okay, here's the plan, once again I'm going to go up there and get ready and all that but before I do that I'll take out the trash or check the mail or some shit and grab your bag and bring it by the door."

"sounds good, are you coming over for a while than or just dropping me off?" I ask.

"I can't right now, I'll drop you off at the corner so your mom doesn't cause any issues." he says pulling off his shirt.

"okay, I'll wait for you, I won't shower here or anything, I'll just wait till I get home."

he leaves and closes the door behind him and I hear faint voices coming from upstairs. he's probably trying to explain why he was sleeping in the guest room and why he was out so late.

a few minutes later I hear a quiet knock coming from the basement door. I wait a second before going out to retrieve my bag and then making my way into the bathroom.

I send my mom a quick text and check my other messages. a few from a friend and a few from casey asking if we made it back okay.

I respond to him and ask him about the other guys, he surprisingly responds instantly and tells me that they had to call a few friends but they're all good and he was on his way to go and pick up his car right now.

I'm glad they're all okay at least, even if they do drive me crazy at times.

I pull out my clothes and quickly change into black jeans and a cream colored sweater, then I put my hair up into a quick bun and leave it at that.

perfect timing too. ace texts me and tells me to go to his car and he'll be out in a few minutes.


"mondays are excruciating." I complain to my younger sister lexi as we head into the school.

"they're not that bad, you're overreacting." she brushes me off and goes over to her own group of friends and locker.

rather than deal with people I decide to just go to my first class after getting to school. I pull out my homework and make sure it's all completed when claire walks in to drop off her stuff.

"hey girly, how was your weekend?" she asks me.

"typical, it was okay and nothing too interesting," the words come out as muscle memory.

"well ace is kind of pissed off and looking around for you. I didn't tell him where you were though. he's by the auditorium." she says while walking off.

I love how she knows I wasn't in the mood so she made our encounter quick, I mean we're pretty good friends but I wouldn't call her my best friend or anything.

I do get up and go over to the auditorium though because something must've actually been wrong.

"that band screwed you over!" he shouts to me as soon as he sees me.

I speed up and try to calm him down and shush him up.

"hey, hey, what happened?"

"they just sent the band an email talking about how they no longer have a need for your pictures and that they found someone for a shoot. that's not really an issue, but then they added that they would appreciate if you wouldn't post any of the pics. I mean who cares, they're yours!" he says.

and to think that I thought there was an actual issue. I am slightly hurt but I don't blame them for the change in plans.

"ace, listen to me, I don't really care. please don't respond to it either because remember how they were interested in you guys opening for their mini tour? don't ruin this for either of you." I reassure him.

"they'll probably back out on that too!" he shouts.

"okay, that's enough, stop," I tell him. "we can deal with the tour stuff when their manager contacts me but they're no even doing it until the end of spring so all the details aren't settled yet." I say trying to calm him, I don't want him to mess this up for the entire band.

"how would you know that if they didn't contact you yet?" he now shouts at me, now in confusion.

whatever honestly. "I ran into awsten while you were getting drunk off your ass at that stupid club! we talked a bit and he told me about it, damn ace chill." I say now that I'm as annoyed as he is.

"oh so you're talking to him now? I'm so done with you. I gotta go, I'll call you later to talk, band practice was cancelled today anyways." he says and walks off.

we're so perfect for each other so I don't understand why we ever even have any issues.


his annoyance with me continues. every three days to every other day it's always something from one of us. if we didn't have such a strong bond I don't think it would work but it does.

I haven't seen awsten or even heard from him since that night, heck I haven't even heard from any of them and I start to wonder but it's not really my place to deal with.

everything is so uneventful but ace and I finally sat down to discuss our future. he's thinking new york and I'm thinking the same thing.

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