chapter nineteen

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*sorry but important note at end of chapter, hopefully the only one ever, must read after this, continue, tysm ily*

he's so much taller than me I had to go onto my tip toes and pull him down a little.

neither of us say anything and I wipe off my hands and face and go back to putting the mix onto the pan.

I look over and see geoff and otto staring in awe.

awsten comes out of his daze and within seconds he's back over helping me. otto and geoff are still staring so he flips them off and they then turn their attention back to mixing their batter which was more on them than in the actual bowl.

"I was not expecting that." he says to me quietly.

we had just filled the pan so I walk over and put it into the oven and set the timer on my phone that was already set up.

I go back to him and grab another pan and place it in front of us.

"neither was I, but guess that's where the fun parts in life come from." I say not making eye contact as we both start adding dough onto the pan.

"it definitely was not a bad thing, I agree with you." he says.

I'm still not looking at him so he puts his finger under my chin and turns my head so that were face to face.

"I'd say I've never felt more sparks in my life." he says and giggles a bit knowing he was being cheesy.

we both turn back to adding dough to our pan and I glance over to see geoff trying to add the batter into the pan. without any of the paper cupcake wrappers in it.

it's like slow motion as I rush over but he's already poured it in.

"shit, geoff, otto can you grab the cupcake papers, please." I ask.

"I told you we were forgetting something," he says as he looks on their table.

geoff looks really sad and I think he thinks he messed up the whole thing.

"it's okay geoff, don't worry, we just have to clean that one out and it'll all be okay." I say trying to reassure him but he literally looks like he wants to cry.

"awsten, get over here and give the poor boy a hug." I say.

he does as I said and gives him a cute little hug.

all of a sudden he brightens up.

"okay, otto start putting those in all of the other parts of the pan except for that one, geoff, just wipe it up with some paper towel and then set your timer when you put it in the oven." I instruct.

I wonder how any parents or grandparents manage helping little kids bake when I can't even help 3 grown men make already prepared baked goods.

awsten had filled up the entire pan in that short time and so now we were stuck waiting till the first batch of cookies were done so that we didn't take up all of the space.

otto had managed to take the lead on his and geoff's cupcakes so they were finally able to put theirs into the oven as well.

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