chapter eleven

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we sit in his car for a little while longer curled up together before I mention leaving.

"did you drive here or did he?" awsten asks me as I step out of the car.

"I did, my cars over there." I point into the general direction.

"okay, but get back in here, I don't care if it's only like a 90 second walk away, I'm driving you over there, I don't trust your boyfriend or really anybody else for that matter." he scrunches up his face while he's talking about my so called boyfriend.

his action was to adorable to fight so I just sit back down and close the door while he starts up his car.

a minute later were right behind my car and I don't want to say goodbye.

so I don't.

"I'll keep you updated, it won't be for a couple days though." I tell him as I pull my hand away.

"hopefully I can see you again then, yeah? even as friends?" he asks and I nod while closing the door.

he pulls back a little but doesn't actually leave until I do. he pulls out behind me and I look in my mirror and watch him fade off into the distance in the other direction before driving down the street and back home.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now