chapter twenty-four

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I put both bracelets into a cute little gift box and hide it in my car instead of my bag.

I ended up making the other guys each a simpler one that didn't take as long throughout the following days and I wrapped theirs in tissue paper and sat them next to awsten's box for tomorrow.

checking to make sure I have everything in my bag and in my purse I reach for my keys but then I get a text from geoff.

hey, how's it going

I was a little thrown off but I didn't really mind it, I had to make the conversation quick though so I could leave soon.

fine, I'm actually about to head over to your place.

I know, awsten keeps talking about it and I need to ask you something


have you moved on

yeah, why?


I think

he really likes you and is stressing

I wanted to give him accurate feedback, I'm glad what I was already thinking matches

see you soon :)

after geoff stops texting me I get a text from awsten that says something similar but sweeter, he said he couldn't wait to see me.

I feel loved as I follow the directions on my phone to his house.

I just pull into the driveway and am glad to see awsten standing outside waiting for me, even though it is freezing.

there was a good amount of snow so I was wearing combat boots, but I also wore black skinnies, obviously ripped at the knee, and my cream colored sweater under my coat.

I also wore a black beanie and had gloves with me in case I needed them.

I leave the gifts and grab my bag and purse and step out of the car and go up to him and give him a hug.

"still the only girl in a while?" I ask and he nods.

"so they won't be sick of me then." I say and chuckle as we step inside.

I take my shoes off at the door so that I don't track anything in and walk into the house.

this is now my second time being here so I was much more comfortable.

my thoughts are ended a few seconds later when I hear shouting from downstairs.

"what's going on?" I ask awsten.

"video games." he says.

oh, makes sense.

we go upstairs and to his room where I drop off my stuff and we sit down on his bed.

"it's a little too early to go out so how about we watch a movie?" he asks and I get really excited.

"let's see if I remember which one is your favorite because I haven't seen it." he says.

I wait for him to pull it up but he makes me turn away so I can't see.

about a minute later I hear the clicking of a typewriter and I turn to see that he did get it right.

the perks of being a wallflower.

I loved the movie more than anything, I was also a huge fan of the book but in this one case, I preferred the movie.

"isn't this based off a book?" he asks as we're still waiting for the actual movie to start.

"it is actually, one of my favorites, don't know if you knew how much I read." I tell him, but by now the voice starts on the movie so he pulls me in and we lay down on his bed and watch my favorite movie, ever.

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