chapter fifty

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"awsten got laid." one of them shouts.

"get the fuck out." awsten says while rubbing his eyes.

"shit." I mutter and pull up the blankets.

"figured it would've been better if we couldn't see you, but we could still hear you." one of them says.

I pull myself completely under the blankets and let awsten deal with his friends trying to embarrass him.

"is he dressed under there?" one of them asks.


"why don't you find out yourself." awsten tests.

they do.

the pull the blankets off of us.


I grab the blanket and wrap myself back in it, awsten let's it be.

we were both dressed, but only in our underwear, myself also in a sports bra.

"are you done yet?" awsten asks, not looking up from his phone.

"no, we haven't messed with maisie yet."

"don't you dare." awsten grumbles.

"oh awsten." they say along with various other things.

"really? you said you could hear us. don't you think you'd know?" he says.

was this really happening?

they continue to say things in a high pitched voice and make various sounds.

I don't remove myself from the blankets.

awsten doesn't say anything more and eventually they stop.

"fine, we'll leave her alone."

"dress yourselves children."

I pull myself out and lay out across his chest.

"hi." I say and smile up at him.

"good morning beautiful." he says.

I kiss him good morning.

we sit quietly for a few moments.

"do you still love me?" he asks.

"awsten, I love you and I wouldn't say it if I didn't. why do you ask?" I say, turning over so I can see his face.

"some people just like to sleep around with band members. I knew that wasn't you." he says.

"I wouldn't have went about everything so slowly if that was the case." I joke around.

he laugh, "we should get up now though."

"you're right." I say.

I get up and take some motrin out of my bag.

let's just say I was slightly sore.

maybe not only slightly, but either way.

it was extremely different from any time with ace, I hadn't slept with anyone else obviously.

different, but not surprisingly, better.

"i'm going to shower. I opened up my laptop for you to work on your paper, if they mess with you, just tell them to fuck off." he says and then he staggers out of the room.

I sit back onto his bed and pull up google drive and start typing, I hear them all shouting downstairs.

boys will be boys, no matter the age.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now