chapter forty-one

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"flying honestly sucks so much." I say as soon as we take our seats.

"it'll be okay" he says taking my shaking hand.

last night I had told him about how flying terrified me, I had flown twice, it was for a trip my 8th grade year. the week after spring break we flew down to florida and back after a few days.

it was fun, but the flights lead to me freaking out both times.

I try and keep my breathing under control, he has flown so many times that it didn't even phase him anymore.

"maisie, it's okay," he says one least time before the speakers start talking.


the take off is the worst part and the landing isn't that bad, but still, as soon as the plane hits the ground I am instantly relieved.

"baby, we did it, it's okay, we're here now," he assures me.

we were here, it did feel a bit strange, but we were here.

in just over a week we would've been dating for 4 months, in a few days it will be a year after ace had asked me to prom , a week before awsten and I will have been together for 4 months.

we walk out of the plane and I already feel a change in the temperature.

"were here." he says again.


we were staying at an hotel for the first night and so I wouldn't meet his family until tomorrow, apparently his sister was also away for spring break so I may not get to meet her until even later.

it was mid day when we left the airport, we checked into our hotel where we preceded to take a nap for a few hours because of our early morning.

for probably the first time, I'm up before him. I take this chance to get up and change.

by the time I was done, awsten was awake.

"come here." he groaned out.

"okay, okay." I say and sit down on the bed by him, "really?" I ask as he starts to do my hair again.

"yes, really." he responds in all seriousness.

I can't even.

he finishes doing whatever, next he'll start doing my makeup.

"I want food." he says.

"then go get food." I tell him.

"ugh, come with me." he says.

"ugh, okay." I say.

"ugh, let's go." he says.

"ugh, fine." I say getting up with him.

our relationship works in strange ways.

the hotel we were at was small but I'm guessing we were in the center of houston, because we were in a fairly busy area.

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