chapter fifty-five

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fast forward through a long ceremony, about 300 diplomas, a sky full of thrown hats, and about a thousand people crying.

that was my sunday.

"babe!" claire shouts over the mass of people standing around outside where our ceremony had been held.

I rush over to her and wrap her in a hug, I didn't tell her, but her makeup was everywhere.

thankfully my mom pulled her close afterwards and told her and then helped her wipe it up a little.

there was enough pictures taken today to fill up an entire museum, but there were still more to be taken.

claire's parents gather around mine where they take a about a million photographs each.

then I finally get some with my sisters, my parents, and all of us together.

then there's more relatives and more talking.

more friends and more talking.

many more classmates and a lot more talking.

people are starting to clear out and I see steven rushing over to me.

we were about to leave ourselves so I called out for them to wait.

"I only have a second, but I just wanted to say that awsten misses you a ton, also, we are done! we are free!" he shouts.

"hey, quiet down buddy." I chuckle.

"I do literally have to go now, but I'll keep in touch, bye maisie! bye mr. and mrs. williams." he says and runs of.

he does so without looking and knocks over claire who is standing by her own family.

I swear, it was as if their short fling had rekindled right then.

my entire family squeezes into my mom's car and I pull out my phone.

I scroll all the way down to see the notifications that had been there the longest.

blah blah twitter, blah blah Instagram, some relatives, and then a missed call from awsten, followed by a couple texts.

I pull open his messages first.

there was good luck, congratulations, and all that basic stuff.

followed with, I love you.

and that followed with a, check twitter xx.

I replied, telling him to not act like harry styles, before opening up twitter.

I see that I have a lot more notifications and messages than usual, but I ignore them and search up his band's account.

nothing new on here.

I get another text from awsten, or instagram.

I ignore it and search up his profile account.

I click on his most recent tweet.

it was a selfie and you could see the heart I had drawn on him, he must've taken it the day he left or even the day after because it wasn't faded.

along with it he had tweeted, thinking of you, with a heart.

awe, I liked his tweet and pulled down my notifications to respond to him.

when I returned to twitter, there was even more notifications and messages.

well, okay then?

I ignored it for now, it was hard because I was curious, but i'm sure whatever it was could wait.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now