chapter thirty-nine

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ace's band.

the ace who still doesn't know that awsten and I are together.

not that it even matters to him in the first place, but still.

they were going to be on tour together for only three weeks, but still. it was a 12 show tour and every night they would be opening for them, it just seemed so crazy to me.

I don't say anything as he finishes up his drink.

"are you ready to go?" I ask.

he nods and we head out.

"sorry, I gotta make a call real quick, I'll be in the car in a minute." he says while already walking off.

I don't think anything of it until I'm in my car and through the mirrors I see him in the back smoking a cigarette, a look of distress on his face.

this is a mess for him, because of me.


I drop him off at his house, I wasn't expecting to stay anyways so it didn't really bother me when he didn't invite me to stay.

we only say good bye and then he's inside, I leave without another thought.

I knew what I had wanted though now, ace had his future set and ready for him, it was time for me to have mine set.

I looked at the papers for my final three remaining colleges and read everything all once more, everything from the colleges themselves and all the notes I had taken.

I sent an email to two, thanking them for the acceptance but telling them I wasn't going to attend.

the last one I seal up into an envelope and put outside once everyone is asleep for the mail tomorrow morning, my future was waiting


our awkwardness doesn't last long, the next day he came over after I got out of school, no one else was home.

"awstennnn," I drag out as he attempts to braid my hair, last time he did this, it had ended in a knot.

"shhhh," he drags out, "I've watched videos, I can do this now."

I laugh because I am perfectly capable of doing it on my own but he still wanted to do my hair.

I was sitting on him on the couch but moved off and in front of him so he could continue going down my hair.

"and done!" he shouts after a few minutes.

he had just done a single french braid down the back of my head so I couldn't see it, pulling it to the front I saw that the hair wasn't exactly even but that part was okay at least.

"good job, it's not knotted is it?" I ask him.

"no! it actually looks good, I'm leaving it and you can't take it out either." he tells me.

"damn, okay." I tell him and turn over to kiss him.

"you know you like it." he says with his cute smirk.

"of course." I tell him.

"I'm sorry that I don't really want many people to know about us." he says out of nowhere.

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