chapter fifty-one

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"really? this song again?" awsten asks as I put on somebody else from the 1975.

"awsten, I love this song, let me be!" I respond.

"fine, but only because i'm so happy for you." he says.

yesterday was my last day of highschool.

it was emotional in some ways, happy in others.

overall, it was pretty crazy.

but I was ready for it to be over.

thankfully, because now it was.

"are you going to be happy for me when I'm living in new york?" I ask.

he stops what he was doing and comes close to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"if you're happy there, then of course." he says.

"awe." is all I say and he returns back to doing his thing.

this was going to be my first time experiencing him leaving for his work.

I was hella nervous to say the least. I didn't know how this worked.

"I still have to pack." he groans, I now realize he was just sorting through paperwork and cleaning up.

"I'll help you, tonight though." I say.

"I know that you just want to spend some time with me, but I have things that I need to get done, sorry mae." he says, not even turning to me.

I was trying so hard not to be hurt by that comment.

like yeah, I knew he had things to do.

"wait, how late are you staying for?" he asks.

"as late as you want." I say, I wasn't able to stay the night tonight though.

"uh, what the hell, let me just finish this first." he says.

"no, it's fine awsten. I get it." I say.

"I know, but I just want to spend time with you too." he says.

"I honestly feel like we should just talk right now, not even about anything specific." I say randomly.

he just makes a noise in response and focuses on concentrating.

he sorts everything out and we go outside and sit in the grass.

"is there anything specific you wanted to talk about?" he asks me.

"no, not really. you?" I ask him while playing with the grass.

"I don't really have anything either, what are your plans for these upcoming weeks and then the weeks after?" he asks.

"a lot of work. I didn't tell you about this yet, but I got a second job for the summer. it's at an ice cream stand." I tell him.

"that's great news, wow maisie! you are so responsible, and then there's me." he chuckles.

"you gotta do what you gotta do." is my only response.

"anything else besides that?" he asks.

"well, I guess there is something else. also around something I have yet to tell you about." I trail off.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but you have to keep me up to date." he says laughing.

I politely chuckle.

"what is it?" he asks.

"I think I want to cheer again." I say to him.

"what? i thought you were done with that? not that i'm not happy for you, because I am, but I thought you didn't care for it anymore." he says, clearly taken a back.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now