chapter fifteen

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it took all day for me to hear from awsten, obviously I was worried because of the context.

when he calls me it feels like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"hey, sorry again about earlier." he tells me.

"it's okay, you scared me though, don't text and drive again." I tell him.

"I wasn't, I had to pull over to take another call, and then I followed your directions and so that's why I didn't reply." he explains.

at least he listened to me.

"so what was the big emergency, and was it a real issue?" I ask, I had been curious all day.

"I mean, kinda, otto kicked geoff out of the band again but this time he thought he was actually kicked out. oh wait, we mess around with eachother all the time like that. he just thought he was actually out this time." he explains.

"he's not though, right?" I ask, even more confused now than in the beginning.

"oh no, I was able to work it out. this time it just wasn't because of a stupid reason, they were actually fighting about something and otto convinced him that I would also have kicked him out, so yeah." he explains.

"ah, I kinda get it now." I say.

"yeah, daddy awsten had to sort things out, they kissed and made up. shit, no, not really kissed, but they did hug it out and are now cuddling on the couch." he says.

I start laughing, "why aren't you with them?" I ask.

"I was going to, and I actually will, but I figured I should call you first." he said.

"I feel so special." I say, jokingly but I actually do.

"you should." he says in all seriousness.

"well, I don't want to keep you from your group cuddling session, so I'll let you go, thanks for today awsten, I had a really nice time." I say.

"anytime, we'll have to make more plans soon, sleep well maisie, goodnight." he says sweetly.

this time I hang up first.

soon after I fall asleep thinking of awsten and how nice it would be to have his arms wrapped around me right now.


I wanted to hang out with awsten more, a lot more if I'm being honest, but we have decided not to see each other again until me and ace were broken up, not even as just friends.

we've talked a little bit over text, and a phone call here and there, but no face times. I tried once but he didn't answer, and so I didn't try again.

things with ace remained the same but I began to slowly pull away from him so that we it would be easier when the time came.

he didn't seem to notice, or really care.

it got to the point where the only time we hung out was when we were studying together, he was still the same person, just as smart and understood everything, but his grades were dropping.

he didn't tell me personally but I saw it and I couldn't understand why. I mean he was still doing pretty good, better than most kids, but it wasn't like him.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now