chapter sixty-three

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take a breath, don't it sound so easy?

never had a doubt

now i'm going crazy watching from the floor

take a breath and let the rest come easy

dear maria was by far one of my favorites out of all their old songs.

I had gotten so used to this new concert lifestyle, but I don't think I'll ever get used to losing awsten after every show that I make it out to.

people begin draining out of the venue and I stay behind, trying to look casual in the process  but of course it doesn't really work.

it takes a good ten minutes and by then only half the people are out, but I see him peeping through the side of the stage.

I pull out my phone and call him, he answers instantly.

"what are you doing? I thought the whole point of me waiting behind was so that you wouldn't get caught up!" I say into the phone while looking directly at him.

"blah blah blah."


"just have one of the security people bring you back." he says.

"cause that's a great idea, they'll totally do that."

"oh, right. well here's the plan, leave the venue and go around to the back, i'll go out one of the doors and wait for you."

once again happy, I rush through the lingering crowd and out and around the venue.

it's been nearly three weeks since the last show and I missed him more than anything at this point.

he knew it to and so I was hoping we had a reasonable amount of time tonight. I actually had to get a hotel for tonight. it wasn't a short drive but I was going crazy without him.

when I saw him I ran up to him and jumped on him, much like we've done many times before.

to me, it never gets old.

"let's not go through the same thing as every other time." I say to him when he puts me onto the ground.

I've only been to three shows but I didn't want to waste any of our time tonight.

"that's fine with me, i'm glad that you've finally been opening up to me more, especially since i'm not around. but, all do that made me miss you a lot more than I should've."

we go inside and there's a few dark hallways that we walk through, but pretty quickly we are in an actual room.

"do you know where we're playing tomorrow?" he asks me.

"actually, I don't. sorry but I'm not the best at keeping up with all that."

"then you'll be happy to know that the answer is... no where."

"you're staying for the night!" I shout excitedly.

"we leave mid afternoon tomorrow." he responds.

"ah, that is good news."

I tell him where I'm staying and lucky for me he's able to go out wherever he wants so he'll be able to come back with me.

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