chapter sixty-eight

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we're getting into the finale my loves...
sorry, thought this published early, it didn't.

driving hours on end by yourself can sometimes be fun.

although this time would be an exception considering it was in the middle of winter and terrifying as well as freezing.

i was now counting down the hours to when i was leaving, currently i had 36 more hours to go.

give or take a few because you know, it's me we're talking about here.

the semester ended yesterday and it was such a relief, the struggle made it seem like it wasn't going to be worth it but the feeling at the end almost made it seem worthwhile.

and i'm in the holiday spirit so that helps.

i could've left today but i needed to say bye to people and see them all one last time and also still had a few more days of working and what not.

it's kind of sad to think i'll be gone for nearly a month, new york city has become my home and i don't want to leave it now that i would finally be able to enjoy it.

but things will eventually play out in my favor if i'm lucky enough.

tonight i would get to go out with some friends, i've been saving up for this and am so excited, i have on a cute semi new outfit and am in a good mood. it would be a great night.


danny ended up blacking out but other than that it was fun, nothing illegal or anything.

but, still fun.

"why do I have to leave so early?" I ask myself, clearly not feeling up to anything yet.

I didn't even have the motivation for breakfast.

slowly, I drag the last of my things that I was taking with me out to my car. it takes me a minute, but I manage to push myself into the car as well.

it's been nice new york, maybe next year i'll stay for the holidays.

but for now, I had a long day ahead of me.

I turn on my car and quickly put on the new waterparks album.

the first song fades on as my gps starts beeping.


I don't stop for a break until i'm half way there, figuring since it's only me I might as well save as much time as I possibly can.

I do what I need to do and take a few minutes to chill out before calling awsten, he has to be awake by now.

"hey." I say cheerfully.

"hey, what's up?" he asks, not as cheerful.

"i'm almost home!" I exclaim.

"oh, you are?" he asks.

"yes," I forget that I didn't tell him about it prior.

obviously he knew I was coming home, but didn't know when.

"that's... that's great."

"why do you sound like that?" I ask.

"like what?"

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now