chapter forty-six

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"prom is in a week! how come you didn't get your dress before hand? and what about your boyfriend? why isn't he coming with you? when do I get to meet him?" claire rambles on as she zips up the first dress.

prom was in less than a week actually, I had gotten so caught up with school the week back from break that I didn't have time to think about it.

it was a messed up week of testing, I was thankful to be done with the SAT and all of its practices for the first time in years.

"he's not into dances, plus, they won't let him in if he's older then a certain age will they?" I ask, not even sure.

"how much older is he?" she shouts.

"never mind, sometime after prom, I promise." I tell her.

"you better, and this one isn't zipping." she mumbles.

"it's the right size?" I say.

"no, not like that, I think the zipper is actually broken on this." she says.

I pull it off and I look to see that it did look a bit messed up.

"great," I say in distress, "we didn't break it right?" I ask to make sure.

she shakes her head no and grabs the next one.

a short pink one with a sweetheart neckline. the top had some glitz and glamor but the bottom was like an actual tutu, just not sticking straight out.

"no way." I fight but she's already getting me into the dress.

"this looks so good on you though!" she says.

"no way." it was cute, but it was to much.

her face fades to sad expression, but then brightens back up.

"and this is why I grabbed it in gold, and also silver." she shouts on helps me get it off.

I didn't want a long dress this year. last year I had went for an extremely elegant look and the same for homecoming, it was time for a change.

"this silver one is beautiful maisie!" she exclaims, "I like it even more than the pink one."

I loved it too.

"I'm getting this one, we don't need to try on anymore." it was a fairly good length considering I'm vertically challenged, and the rest of the sizing was perfect.

"I honestly wish I had this pink one now though." claire mumbles.

"I think your blue one is perfect." I tell her as we I pay for the dress.

we chose one of the cheaper places that still sold great quality and pretty dresses.

"I think i'm just going to wear my black pumps, remember when I bought those?" I ask her.

I bought them a little over a year ago and looked for any excuse I could to wear them.

"that'll be different, but it'll be cute, I like it." she tells me.

before it gets put into a bag, I snap a pic of it and send it to awsten.

once it sends I completely shut my phone off in order to focus on spending my time with claire.

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