chapter forty-eight

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"awstennnnnn?" I say without any emotion.

"is she drunk?" he asks geoff.

"what do you think?" geoff responds.

I see that otto is next to me.

"you have such nice hair." I say to him without thinking.

after making my comment I reach up and feel his hair, he doesn't say anything, only laughs.

"geoff, why are they all here?" I ask him.

"well, maisie dear, awsten had put you on speaker phone as soon as you called and freaked out and demanded to come with. that one just tagged along." he says pointing at otto.

"oh." I say and let go of his hair.

"let me back there." awsten grumbles and attempts to climb over the seat.

I start screaming and it probably sounds as if someone is trying to murder me.

"jesus christ." I hear and I stop.

"what the fuck is wrong with her?" awsten says sitting back down.

"seriously." otto responds to him.

"awsten?" I stutter out and I start trembling.

"oh god. no, not like that. fuck, just let me get back there, please." he says.

"no, stay away from me." I shout and curl myself into a ball.

"it's like having two toddlers." geoff or otto says.

I feel the car finally moving, but we only drive for about two minutes before he pulls in somewhere and stops the car.

"where do you need me to take you?" geoff asks, stress present in his voice.

"home, but you'll need to park down the street. park. haha. like waterpark. waterparks. get it?" I say, now laughing hysterically.

what even was my mood right now.

or moods for that manner.

"just drive home." I hear awsten say.

geoff starts driving again and I start laughing hysterically.

"what's so funny?" awsten asks, clearly annoyed.

"you're cute." I mumble, "but, you're mean."

"otto, switch seats with me." awsten says.

"what, no, i'm driving." geoff shouts, but awsten doesn't care.

he climbs over the seats anyways, ignoring geoff's shouts about distracting driving.

otto moved to the front, much more smoothly then awsten.

"unbelievable." geoff groaned.

"awsten, do you really think I'm a bitch?" I turn and ask him.

"no, maisie, of course not." he says.

"then why'd you say it?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I was getting annoyed mae. I should've told you though a little bit before hand though." he says.

"but it's none of my business, remember? I was stupid to think that it should matter to me when i'm not really a big part of your life." I tell him, saddened by the thought.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now