chapter sixty-one

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SURPRISE: awsten's pov

"what happens after this tour?" she asks me.

I honestly don't know and it kind of scared me to be honest.

"nothing changes maisie." I say to her.

"you and I both know that's not true. I'm not asking you to sugar coat this situation right now." she says to me, breaking the barrier that we had built up for days now.

"i'm not lying, nothing happens between us after I get back."

"but awsten, do you have any idea how many miles away we'll be?" she asks, genuinely worried.

"it can't be that hard mae." I say to her, but I see that she doesn't feel the same.

"you're leaving to go on tour for a few days, that's fine and all, we've already done that. but, afterwards. this was never a permanent place for you. you are going back to texas and I, I am going to new york." she whispers that last part, as if she was unsure.

"I know that..."

"we're not going to know when we can see each other. we're not  going to know anything. you're working on an album right? and then what, you're back here? I'm still going to be in new york, at college. then think to next summer, who knows where i'll be, but you'll probably be on tour." she says, she looks like she could continue, but instead I start talking.

"stop worrying, we can figure it out if we're meant to be." I say without thinking.

"what do you mean? are you unsure about me?" she asks.

sometimes I forget that I have to be extremely careful with her.

"future wise, we will be able to work it out." I explain, hopefully fixing my my prior comment.


"do you understand that nothing will change?"

she starts to speak up, but I stop her, not yet finished, "between us, nothing will change between us."

"yes, I guess."

"good." I say.


"are we all good now?"


"still haven't heard from ace right?" I question.

no response.

I ask her again and I know that she heard me.

I sigh, "what happened?"

"stop." she groans out.

"later?" I ask.

"later." she says, finally smiling again.


the next day, we had went out into the city for lunch.

I was wearing dark jeans and a light t-shirt, but was burning up in the heat.

maisie on the other hand, was wearing olive green shorts and a grey crop top. claiming that she was "cold."

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now