chapter forty-two

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I was shaking for the entire duration that we were in the cab on the way to his parents's house.

I wore a black skater skirt with a white tee that had lyrics from the 1975 on the upper right side of the chest. my hair was down and straight without much makeup on, I was determined to make a good impression.

awsten was holding my arm the entire time and stroking my wrist with his fingers, he didn't take his gaze off of the window at any point.

when we stopped in front of a cute country home, my heart started to beat even faster.

he took his hand off of mine, I payed for the cab this time and awsten got out and started to take our bags out of the trunk.

I thank the driver and he smiles back. now it was time for me to get out, and meet his family.

he had gotten out everything so I waved off the driver and we both stood in the street for a second.

he moves in close and takes both of my hands into his and looks into my eyes.

"you are amazing maisie, there's no need to worry. they will like you so, so much." he says and pulls me into a hug.

after a single quick kiss, he grabs his things and I grab mine and follow him through the yard and to the door.

the door opened before we even made it to the porch.

"awsten!" a lady shouts and runs out to him, engulfing him in a hug and kissing all over his cheeks.

awsten was definitely a momma's boy.

she finishes and turns to me,"hello, I'm maisie." I say while smiling and do a slight wave.

"maisie!" she shouts like she did a few moments earlier with awsten.

she comes up to me and pulls me into a small hug too, "oh my, you are adorable." she says before pulling away.

I give out a small chuckle and mutter a small "thank you."

"c'mon mae, let's get inside," awsten calls over.

I fix my grip on my luggage and drag into the house.

"welcome back sweetie," awsten's mom says to awsten after closing the door behind us, "and welcome home honey," she says to me.

I politely smile and pull my things closer to me.

"thank you so much miss knight, it's great to be here." I say to her, trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"she's very nice," she says to awsten, "you don't need to be so formal honey, all of his friends call me mom, you can do the same whenever you're comfortable."

she was such a kind woman.

"let's put our stuff away." awsten says to me.

I follow him through the house and down a short hallway into a bright room, "see, there's nothing to worry about." awsten says.

"was this your room when you lived here?" I ask him.

"usually, we've switched rooms around a few times." he says unpacking his things.

I just move my stuff over to a corner and take off my shoes.

"do you want to sleep in here? are you okay with that?" he asks.

he was a sassy asshole at times, but he could be so sweet and caring.

"yes, of course." I say and turn my attention to my stuff where I act as if I am extremely focused on my things and organizing them.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now