chapter eighteen

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"we can always turn around." he says and I'm guessing we're pretty close.

"if you really don't want to do this right now, than we don't have, I would really like to do this and it will happen eventually, but if you don't want to we don't have to." I say truthfully, really hoping that he doesn't back out.

"it's okay, you're right, I'm just asking for your sake." he says smirking.

"yeah right blue boy." I say.

"really? you too? damn, what's going to happen when I change my hair." he says.

"I figured that it wasn't only me who called you that, but sorry, I can't help myself." I say.

he just laughs and shakes his head as we pull into a driveway and then a garage.

we step out of the car and he walks over to me and grabs both of my hands, "these guys are my best friends, my brothers, they mean everything to me."

I nod and he lets go off one hand and we step out of the garage and make our way through the yard and into the house.

we enter to a surprisingly clean living room that I faintly recognize from the face time call.

awsten looks nervous but he doesn't let go of my hand as he brings me in, so far it's quiet.

"well, welcome." he says awkwardly with a sheepish grin, "it's pretty big but otto and I have kind of taken over so geoff doesn't really have anything left that's only his. it just works out better this way until we all want to get our own places somewhere." he starts.

"where are they?" I ask.

"I'm really not sure," he responds, "probably downstairs." he leads me through the living room and through a hallway with a few doors off of it into another area like the first room just slightly smaller and with stairs on either side leading upstairs and downstairs.

we head down the stairs to a furnished basement turned into a total man cave, as predicted, geoff and otto were sitting in a large sitting area surrounding an entertainment and gaming system.

they were only sitting around though, not doing anything.

"you've both already met maisie, but yeah, she wanted to hang out with you guys so that's what we're going to do." he says, he's no longer holding my hand or super close to me.

geoff and otto both wave at me and then motion us over. awsten sits down first and then pulls me down with him.

almost as if on cue both of the other guys jump up and run over to awsten and then jump onto him, right next to me.

he starts fighting and saying "get off of me!" but the don't budge and just continue to smother him and I start laughing.

"awsten's growing up, he's not a little baby anymore!" otto shouts.

"no!" geoff shouts, "he is still our little baby!"

he's finally able to break through them and pushes them off of him and onto the ground, they don't stay down for long though because next they are both on top of me.

"woah, hello." I muffle through the bodies.

"hey, hey, stop it." awsten shouts now trying to get them off of me.

"chill, we're just messing around." one of them says as they try and get off of me.

"I told you this would happen." awsten says as he reaches over to straighten me out.

"not specifically, but I don't mind it either way." I say.

he leans he's over and takes my hand, finally. I feel comfort in his action.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now