chapter forty

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"I don't like his hair." my mother starts before he even arrives.

"mother, please." I plead, "please be nice, you can say whatever you want after he's gone, but don't say anything like that to him, that's not okay.

"is he in your grade?" my dad asks.

I am not getting into this right now.

"he's already graduated from high school, he's from texas." I say, not directly answering his question.

"cowboy!" my sister wisteria shouts behind me.

"kind of, but no." I respond.

we don't ever really do family dinners, even when we all are eating the same thing and together we're usually just dispersed around the house.

therefore it was kind of weird setting up our dinner table, considering it's rarely used. well rarely used as a family anyways.

he wasn't able to come over last weekend, so we had to wait another week. it was now friday, one week before spring break.

I was kind of sad because he had invited me to go home with him after dinner but I had to decline, my parents would probably actually kill me if I tried spending the night with him.

they already knew that I have I think once and to them, that was pushing it, even though I am an adult.

what can I say? I've become a pretty damn good liar these past few months.

not sure how they're going to react to spring break though.

there's a knock on the door and I hush everyone down, let's hope for the best.


"what the hell?" I groan as I lose to another round of cards.

"maisie, language." my mother says passing by.

my dad had convinced awsten to play a few rounds of cards with him and I, and let's just say that I wasn't that great at any card game.

my dad goes to start another round but then my mom chimes in, "don't you think it's time to start wrapping up for the night?"

we all get the hint. my dad shakes awsten's hand and then leaves the kitchen so that we were alone.

"did it go okay?" he whispers to me.

"I think so, call me later, okay?" I tell him and try to give him a kiss but my mom appears again.

"maisie, it's time for him to go, it's getting late. bye awsten, have a nice night." she interrupts.

"yes it is, sorry miss," he turns to me and gives me a hug, "bye maisie, i'll call you when I get home. thank you so much mrs. williams, it was a pleasure to meet you."

"yup, bye now, drive safe, time to clean up, I'm sure he can make his way out just fine." she says to me before heading downstairs with a laundry basket.

I finally steal a quick kiss and then he hurries out.

the dishes didn't take me long, actually none of the cleaning up did. I wash my hands one last time and start to make my way downstairs but I'm stopped by my parents calling me to the living room.

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