chapter twenty-six

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I go to his bed and lay down and turn away from the side where he sleeps.

I hear him coming in shortly after and he goes over to a drawer and shuffles around before coming over to his bed and laying down too.

"are you feeling better?" he asks.

"I'm feeling okay." I say.

"we're back now though, and together." he says, it seems like he's hinting for me to get on him so we can finish earlier's conversation.

when I don't move though he comes behind me and holds me that way.

he repeats the same thing from earlier into my ear and hearing it again wasn't as bad.

I don't say anything back.

"I promise maisie." he says.

I nod my head into his chest and then we stop talking for the night. awsten rubbing circles with his fingers on my side lets me know he's still awake though.

I'm not sure how long were laying there for but eventually I fall asleep and so does he.


he had woken up before me because by the time my eyes open, I see his already open.

"maisie, my girlfriend." he says in my voice.

"awsten, my boyfriend." I reply.

"its only eleven, you didn't really sleep well." he tells me.

"I'm guessing you didn't either?" I say.

"nope, but it's okay, I've been preoccupied with my thoughts of you." he says.

he reaches over to me to give my a good morning kiss.

we get up a few minutes later and go downstairs, this time there's no conversation regarding awsten's sex life, thankfully.

he tells me to help myself and that I can pretty much do whatever I want before taking out his phone and leaning on the side of the wall.

I go over by the cupboards where geoff is making something and grab a cereal bar.

"did you tell him?" he asks quietly so that awsten couldn't hear our conversation.

"no, not yet, I don't know when I will." I say.

"you have to tell him soon, he's gotta know, maisie." he says.

must've been a little to loud.

"me?" he asks stepping closer to us.

I shoot him a look but he doesn't help me out here, "yeah." he says and turns to his cooking.

"what?" he asks now confused.

"nothing." I tell him.

"what is it maisie? is it something about last night?"

he's starting to get worried.

"what does he know that I need to know?" he says loudly.

geoff ignores us completely.

I jump onto him and wrap my arms and legs around him to get at eye level.

lost boy // awsten knight auWhere stories live. Discover now