chapter three

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On the sixth day after showing symptoms, you died. Very few made it to the seventh day. Uncle Chad was on day nine. Somehow, he was holding on.

He even went downstairs and outside when they put baby Rue into the ground. He tried to walk but, in the end, Julian and her mom had to carry him.

He shouldn't have wasted the bit of energy he had, because now he looked even worse. Aunt Sarah didn't notice. She saw this as a sign that he was getting better.

Julian was still skipping through channels on the tv and she watched the window. Looking for any sign of life. There was none. All their neighbors were sick or dead.

"How do we know that something isn't happening out there? We have to find out what's going on. Why aren't there any more news reports? It's been days."

"I think old man Carson is dead. He was the last. We should bury him. And the Peabody's."

"If you two are going out, could you pick up some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream?"

Rolling her eyes, Jess turned from the window. "Only if I can have the credit card. There's this new bag I bet I can get on discount."

"Wonder what's playing at the movies." Julian winked at Mel. "Be my date and I'll let you have all the Junior Mints."

"Jess likes Junior Mints, I like SweeTarts."

"Uh oh, Julian. You've got so many women you're starting to get them all mixed up."

"Mel knows she's the apple of my eye. Anyway, I can't afford to take Jess to the movies. She usually wants candy, popcorn, and nachos. Too expensive for _________."

She chunked the nearest object in reach at his head. Lucky for him, she was a bad throw, and he had good hands.

He caught the flower statue and looked at her mom in mock outrage.

"Jessalynn Williams, if you're going to throw things at Julian at least throw things your grandparents didn't give me. Throw that God-awful deer ashtray. Your dad's mom gave us that."

"Don't even think about it." He warned as he tossed the flower statue in the air. "I'd hate to hurt something your mom loves so much."

"I'm done. What do you think?"

Her sister had a chance at being a very good artist one day but there were only so many trees you could admire. The living room was covered in them. And the den. The garage was covered in flowers and suns.

If any of them needed to get out of this house, it was Mel.

"I like it, baby. I really do. As soon as everything goes back to normal, I'm finding you some art lessons."

"I'm putting a horse in the kitchen."

"Sounds like just the thing for tomorrow. Right now, how about we read more of the book? Run upstairs and get it, please. I'm eager to find out what happens next."

"We watched all the movies, mama."

"The books are better."

"Plus, mom falls asleep during all movies."

"Not all movies. I've never fallen asleep on Vin Diesel. Mel, please don't disturb your aunt and uncle."

She had a good comment about guys with big muscles, but Julian caught her before she could say anything.

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