chapter thirtyfive

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She'd never been so glad for Monday morning in her life. Sunday morning a haggard, pale Jace knocked on her door. He hadn't known where he was, hadn't known why he was there. He was so bad off, Jess didn't know how he could walk.

She screamed for Dezrick to get Kellum even as Jace collapsed on her.

She was stronger than she looked and managed to keep him up right till Kell got there. He blinked in, put his arms around both and blinked out.

Jace must have apologized to Zawindy a thousand times as they laid side by side in her guest room. The burns were gone quickly. The rest of it took longer. He was uncontrollable in his guilt. His mate's only thought was to ease his mind. She made soft cooing sounds that eventually calmed him. She took his hand and Jess swore a wave of peace went through the whole room.

The whole thing scared the shit out of her. Every time she saw Kellum now, she worried about that damn mark.

"After much consideration, it has been decided that we will adapt to wearing your clothing. In exchanged we ask that everyone wear their candora at all meetings and jobs of importance. Government. Military. Science and medical. On your free time, you make your own choices on what to wear. I have realized the benefits of your clothing. We are also willing to compromise on the food. All medical will get together over the next few weeks and decide on a compromise that both sides can live with. We have learned the benefits of family dinners, so weekends will be set aside for family time. Each Friday you may pick up supplies for your homes, then Mondays it is back to eating together as a community. Family time is important just as all of us coming together as a community is important. We will also take up your habit of resting on weekends. The few occupations that require consistent workers will be shifted out. Another matter that has been decided on is our wrist bands. Nearly everyone has received theirs, but we are having problems with everyone wearing them. With people removing them. It has been decided that humans be fitted with a transmitter that will be embedded somewhere on their persons."

Kellum held up his hand when everyone would have spoken. "Before we listen to arguments, we would like everyone to watch this recording of events that happened this past weekend."

Many giant screens appeared. She didn't have to watch them; she had lived it.

To her, it was almost like a jail sentence. Finding one's mate. At least with marriage you know if things don't work out you can get out of it.

Like her dad?

She was tired of thinking. She had none of the answers.

The world they knew was gone. This new one was not going to be just like the old one. Maybe it would be better. A world where fathers didn't leave their families broken and alone. A world where homicide detectives weren't needed.

These aliens have done nothing but offer them a cure. Hope. A future. They listened to all of them. Not once have they lied to them or demanded anything of them that they didn't think would benefit them.

She knew why they wanted to do this. To make sure what happened to Zawinda and Jace didn't happen to others.

Was it so bad that they wanted to make sure none of their people suffered unnecessary? They were here to help but not at the price of their own people.

And the cost to humans? Their privacy? Maybe it was just the mood she was in today but that didn't seem such a huge price to pay. Especially, since her hound dog could find her anywhere anyway.

As the screens went away, Jess stood. "I can't speak for everyone but I'm willing to get the transmitter. Though it won't be necessary. I'll wear the wrist band and I won't take it off. Hell, you're a smart race, invent a band that doesn't come off. I'll take mine in navy blue. Government. A win win. I still don't know what you were thinking putting me in government. I see myself more as a store clerk or something. Now, I'm out of here, need some me time. Kell, I think I'll miss meet and greet but I'll be there for you to do your brain drain thing. Later folks."

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