chapter five

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The rain was still coming down. With the over-cast dark and dreary, it didn't even look like morning was approaching.

Her mom was watching her.

"How long have you been sick?"

"Not sure."

"Have you been vomiting?"

Her mom's look said it all.

"How long?" She could barely get the question out.

"On and off for two or three days."

"Oh, mom!"

"It wouldn't have done any good to upset everyone."

If her mom stuck to the schedule everyone else had, all except for Uncle Chad, she'd be on day four or even five. Day five was extreme vomiting. You could no longer even attempt eating or drinking anymore.

"I should try to find some new medication. I could_____."

"Everyone has tried everything, Jess."

"There has to be something."

"That's what we said about Danny and Michael. There were still doctors then."

"Then we'll find a doctor. You will beat this, mom. If anyone can, it's you. What did you do differently with Uncle Chad?"

"Nothing, Jess. That was all your uncle. He'd never do anything to hurt your aunt if he could help it."

Jess fell silent and her mom reached out her hand. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm just as stubborn as him, if not more so."

"That's true."

"It's cruel of me, I know, but I need a promise from you, Jess. Promise me you won't let me break you. I saw what your father leaving did to you and I couldn't bear it if I hurt you like that."

She wasn't one to cry and if she did, no one was ever fool enough to address it. The tears running down her face got ignored. "It's not the same, mom. When he left, all I could remember about him is him walking out the door. He destroyed all the good memories. If something happens to you, I'll keep all the good memories. I won't ever forget. But it won't come to that, mom. We'll think of something."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

For the next hour, she held her mom as she threw up. Changed her nightgown and sang to her.

The only one who loved her voice more than Julian was her mom.

"You need to see to Uncle Chad. In my medicine cabinet is a prescription bottle. After Daniel left, I needed them.... give Sarah two of them then give her another one tonight. Don't mention what they are. Just hand them to her with some water and she'll take them. She's never worried about things like that. She's not like us. Be patient with her. For a little while."

Her mom managed a tired smile. "Then do what you do best. Kick her ass."

"I will."

"Send Mel to sit with me. She's seen enough people put in the ground for now."

"Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can. We'll get some soup into you."

"No soup. Can't. Just need to rest."

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