chapter forty

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The next day she caught glances of him but never actually got close enough to speak to him.

Her friends were driving her insane with their neediness. During lunch, she had to baby sit Meg. That girl didn't seem to understand she was Julian's person not hers.

She also didn't understand that Jess didn't handle crying, pain in the ass females well.

Having caught Julian's pleaded look to be nice, she had somehow managed to put up with as much as she could.

Then she had to deal with Laney. Poor girl got her mark right in the middle of class.

Jess had missed all that fun and had been on her way to her own class, and her own guy, when the freaked-out girl found her.

Did these girls not know her at all? Was there no one else they could go to?

Laney was so upset Jess had to take her home.

Her dads were great but very protective and clingy. They were both a crying mess over the whole thing. One whining about how he was losing his baby and the other one pure outright bawling over losing his baby.

It would have been funny if... no, it was funny. She wasn't shy about laughing at both of them.

Their kid was only seventeen. Just turned seventeen and wasn't going anywhere.

Their kid, after her freak out, was floating on cloud nine. Sure, she was embarrassed it happened in front of everyone. She was mortified to face Brady ever again, but she was on cloud nine just the same. Mated to Brady Shaw. Yeah, who wouldn't be in heaven right now?

The shy girl went from not believing it happened to dancing around the house.

Her dads just cried more.

Two humans, mated. Both with the marks to prove it. How did that happen?

Kellum's people were so confused she heard he'd been called from classes for a meeting. If Jess knew anything about the advisors, then she knew they'd have their panties in a bunch. Two humans mated, meant two of their kind not mated.

She stayed till dinner trying to help Laney figure out what to say to Brady. Or at least that's why Laney thought she stuck around.

Jess stuck around so she could laugh at Laney's dads a little longer.

At dinner, she was surprised to see Kellum there. It was the first time he'd joined her family in the community cafeteria. Since everyone had shown up and he was late, she didn't even get to sit next to him.

If she hadn't been sore about not getting to spend any time with him, she would have enjoyed him being stuck between Laney's dad's and Aunt Sarah.

The dads were still carrying on like a reproduction of Father of the Bride and her aunt Sarah was all caught up in it and playing the overprotective guardian. She'd even ask Kell what his intentions were.

Jess was thankful when she couldn't hear his reply. Thank God, Julian, Godrick, and Prick were loudly talking about a game they had plan for this weekend. She couldn't care less but they were loud enough to drown out the other conversation going on.

The problem was it was driving her crazy that he was so close but not close enough. That she was going crazy over that was making her crazy.

Other than that, it was kind of a nice and cozy feeling. Not long ago she didn't know most of these people and now they were family. Close friends.

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