chapter seventeen

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Her would be beau was a controlling ass. Fine, eyes and body to die for, controlling ass.

For two days, he's been pushing her unmercifully. Her body ached from head to toe. She could barely move. Her muscles protested the daily workouts.

She had bruises up and down her legs and arms and though she couldn't see it, she was pretty sure her ass was one giant ass bruise.

She landed on it enough.

Jess had news for the powers to be, they were so wrong about her and Kellum.

She didn't want to mate with the jerk. Several times a day, she thought about different ways of killing him.

Every day was the same. At committee, he watched her like a hawk. His beautiful eyes searching. Meet and greet was painfully awkward. He would feed her since she hardly made it to lunch. Then he spent the next two hours torturing her.

Okay, the meet and greet wasn't so bad. Mostly they talked. Mostly about ways to make things go more smoothly between his people and hers. He really seemed to care about what she thought.

The problem wasn't talking to him, sometimes she didn't hate it. The problem was he might care what she thought, but he never listened.

They were still eating mush for breakfast though they did get some fruit with it now. Lunch and dinner were still unseasoned meats and tons of veggies she couldn't even name.

She'd kill for a coke.

The vending machines were gone, and she knew who to thank for that.

He was an ass. No way they were a match.

Because of him, she was even avoiding Julian. That fool laughed at her every time he saw her slow pathetic walk from class to class.

"Shouldn't you be at committee?"

Yep. Let Kell chew on that. She told Dez she wasn't going today since a certain someone never listen to her anyway.

"Shouldn't you be anywhere else?"

Frick sat across the table from her. They were the only two in the cafeteria since the lunch bell hadn't rung yet.

"This will be interesting. Kellum is not use to someone not obeying him."

"Yeah, well I don't like the word obey and yeah, not going to happen. Anyway, I'm not scared of him. All he does is look at you in that way that screams he's disappointed."

She got a lot of that during training. She had warned him that she sucked.

"I get that look a lot myself."

Jess knew this boy and Kell were friends. They talked to easily to not be.

"Luckily, it doesn't bother me. I might as well get used to it. Until he realizes I'm not the one for him, he's going to be wearing it a lot."

"For the life of me, I do not understand why you would have issues with a union with Kellum?"

The only answer he was going to get was a shrug. The boy didn't need to know that his friend rubbed her the wrong way.

"Then answer this. What is up with the human?"

"You mean, Julian? That's none of your business."

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