chapter fiftytwo

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Hot stuff was less than enthused with her driving skills, the fast car, or the wind blowing in his hair, but he did seem to enjoy watching her enjoying all of these things.

"Julian would kill me if he knew I was going to take his car back here."

The dirt road was full of holes and huge ruts. Anytime her and her friends had come out here it had been in trucks and jeeps.

She was more than a little pissed when the damn little sports car got stuck.

"Dazrick, run another scan."

"Still clear, future King."

It was only last minute she had decided to bring Kellum on an outing. He might wish they were already on their way back, but she knew what that would mean. Him back to work.

He had wanted the whole day with her, and she could admit she wanted it too.

With Dezrick as quiet as he was ever going to get, this was as alone as they were ever going to get.

Miles away from another living thing. No cameras. As far in the woods as they could get. Hiking wasn't her cup of tea but some alone time with her beau would be well worth the trouble.

She had to hand it to Kell. He had to be wondering if she'd lost her mind, but he never questioned her. He trudged on, checking every now and again to make sure they were safe.

What was there to not love about this guy? If he said they could do whatever she wanted, then they are damn sure going to do whatever she wanted.

Of course, after today he may never say those words to her again.

He was hot. And not just fine. His shirt was sticking to him. His face flushed. Her babe was in the best shape ever, but he wasn't used to this heat.

"This is where all the local kids came to party and to make out." There wasn't much else to do in a small town. They'd been lucky to have this place. It was this or hanging out at their one diner.

Finally, they came upon the creek. Small sandy banks. Fast moving water so that it was always cold, but it wasn't deep enough that you had to worry about drowning.

This was Louisiana though, so the water was brown. It wasn't unusual to come across a snake or two. Despite those few things this place really was beautiful. Trees and shade with only a few lucky spots where sun shined down.

Kellum was looking around in awe. "Your world is full of places like this. That is why we cannot understand why you would destroy it for buildings and roads."

"Well, I don't disagree with you. That does sound nice but, in our defense, we needed the roads and buildings. And we still have places like these. Even better places. You can get rid of somethings; you just can't get rid of everything. Find out what is important to us. Us humans are very sentimental about certain things. I have a yellow bed spread on my bed, could you fetch it for me? And the pillows."

When it appeared, she spread it out in a nice sunny spot. "Now the picnic basket, please."

Once that appeared, she went to him and patted his chest. "You might find some of this disturbing. Just remember you promised we could do whatever I want. You're safe with me. Your virtue that is. I make no promises with your sanity."

Her lips touched his softly. "Do you trust me?"


"Good answer. Now if you don't want to see me in my undies, you might want to look away."

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