chapter thirtyfour

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Liar. If there was anyone, she wasn't safe with it was him. He was still holding her up when they appeared in one of his stainless-steel rooms.

"Any chance you will tell me where he is so we will not have to go through this?" His whisper against her neck sent a thrill through her.

Who? What? Where?

When he didn't get a reply from her, he pulled back so he could look at her.

She didn't even want to know what he saw that caused him to close his eyes and groan.

Yep, she was about to take that step when a sarcastic voice told her to get a room.

Crap on a stick.

Thank God, someone had broken the spell she was under. She could have kissed Hayley until she realized Hayley wasn't the only one in the room.

Jess threw her elbow back with as much force as she could muster. Uncaring of where she caught him.

His quick intake of breath was pleasing to her.


"It is fine, Kar."

As he passed her, he gripped her arm so that when he sat down in his chair, she was at his side again.

Frick, Godrick and a girl she hasn't met yet stood at her back. Frey, Pensley and Alric sat on either side of him.

Hayley, a very irritated Hayley stood to the side tapping her foot. Across from her, another girl she didn't know. Alien, pretty. She didn't look well. She looked like she was barely able to stand.

As if that wasn't enough, all the advisors were in place.

Yep. Was it any wonder she'd forgotten all about Hayley's little experiment? She was blaming that one on kissy face. She gave her arm a small jerk trying to shake him off.

He didn't take the hint.

She looked back at Hayley to see if she could judge how badly it was going.

"Kellum, you have kept us waiting."


No other explanation. Dude was hanging around her too much.

"Human Jessalynn, we wish for you to tell us the location of the human Jace."

"I don't know where he is."

"We saw the recordings. We know you are helping hide him with the human Hayley."

"That is correct. But I don't know where he is."

"I told you that she didn't." Hayley had her arms crossed over her chest. "Give him another day or two and he'll show up on his own."

The girl gave a cry of distress.

"That is impossible." Said the advisor in black.

"Human Jessalynn, we______."

Kellum's voice said he wasn't to be messed with. "She has said she does not know."

"If she would place her hand_______."

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