chapter eight

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       There was a line when they got there.

       Believe it or not, that would have been a little comforting if they weren't trying to separate Julian and her from Aunt Sarah and Mel.

       She went ballistic.  Yeah, she went all pouty mouth on them. 

       Hayley was entertained and not hiding it. 

       Julian was waiting for someone to look at her cross ways.

       Jess did learn a very important fact.  They had to be from another planet.  One, the way they dressed.  Humans had more style.  Plus, every one of them had some shade of white hair and some shade of blue eyes.  Two, no human would have just stood there while she slapped the shit out of them.  His expression never even changed.

       "You are not splitting us up.  Do you understand English?  Give us the cure and we'll be on our way."

       She growled when he said nothing and probably would have hit him again, but a woman stepped forward. 

       She wore the same smile that didn't reach her eyes.  Other than that, Jess didn't think she'd ever seen someone so beautiful in her life.

       Her long white hair touched the back of her knees and wrapped around her head in a thick braid.  Her eyebrows were darker and her eyes a crystal-clear blue.

       "Welcome.  It upsets you that we would offer care to these humans?"

       "It upsets me that you think I'd just let you take them away from me.  That's not going to happen."

       "Would all humans feel this way?"  She asked Jess but the man behind her answered.

       "You're damn straight.  Let them stay together."

       "As you like.  Demi, from now on we will not suggest the well ones leave their sick.  They may go in as one."

       "As you like."

       "I will see to this group myself.  This way if it pleases you."

       "What about our van and our things?"

       "Would me sending your things on to your accommodations be appropriate?"

       She only felt a little like an ass.

       They were searched before they were let through several checkpoints.

       These aliens have been busy.  She'd never been to St. Louis before, but she was very sure the giant spaceship above it was new.

       Her legs stopped working.

       It was gigantic.  Sleek and silver.  Yeah, kind of like we figured one would look, only bigger.

       "How were we not able to see this on the other side of the gate?"

       "Your guess is as good as mine.  We are fucked, aren't we?"

       Julian could pull his eyes away from it before she could, and he looked around.  "None of them seem to carry any weapons."

       "That doesn't mean that they aren't packing.  We are so screwed."

       Jess rushed to catch back up with Mel.  Her and her aunt were being carried in on stretchers.  The woman with the long hair walked a head of them, she came to a much smaller spaceship and stepped aboard. 

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