chapter thirtytwo

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       Every time the doorbell rang, she nearly jumped out of her skin.  She didn't know why; she knew he would arrive at exactly six on the dot.

       Putting down the bowl she was carrying, she forced herself to take a deep breath.

       She really needed to get a grip on herself.  She didn't like this babbling nervous twit who's taken over her body.  It was sad.  It's never happened to her before.

       It kind of made her want to throw up.

       Julian beat her to the door and was already showing Kell and Frick in.

       "Dezrick said it is customary to bring a beverage when invited to a social dinner."

       "Thanks, man."

       Frick was handing over a huge clear jug of their purple stuff when Jess joined them.  Kell was already looking her way before she even came around the corner.

       The warmth in his eyes went up several degrees.

       Yeah, Aunt Sarah had made everyone dress up.  This was her at her best.  She had on a wine color blouse that had a peekaboo shoulder but a high neck line. Black slacks and a pair of black strappy heals.  Not too high, just high enough to give her some height.  She even wore some makeup and had spent extra time on her hair.  Most of it was up in a chignon, only a few curls escaping.

       It was more than obvious that he appreciated her efforts.  It was also obvious that he didn't like it when Julian threw his arm over her shoulders.

       "Our girl cleans up good, doesn't she?"

       She knew Julian thought she was beautiful, but he's never looked at her the way Kellum was.  No one has ever looked at her the way Kellum was.

       Her warm swirls were replaced with waves of heat.  "Glad you came.  You're just on time."

       Seeing Mel, she waved her towards them then wrapped her arms around her.  "You haven't really met my sister.  Mel, this is Kell and Prick.  I mean Frick.  Boys this is my little sister."

       "Hi."  Was her sister's cheerful greeting.

       "Yes, this one is the true beauty in the family.  I can't wait for the day when I can start knocking some heads together, can't have boys looking at my girl."

       Jess had to catch her bottom lip in her teeth to keep from laughing.  Jetidi stepped forward, his expression little better than Kellum's.

       "Aunt Sarah says it's almost time."

       "Thanks, sweetie."

       As soon as she let her go, her sister grabbed the little boy's hand and pulled him towards the dining room.

       "That's Jetidi.  They've become fast friends."

       "We know Jetidi.  When you only have eight children below ten and none below five you consider them all your brothers and sisters.  He's a good kid."

       "Well, I owe him for having a way with Mel.  He's one of the reasons why she's sleeping better."

       Julian unwrapped himself from her.  "Come on, Frick.  I'll show you the way."

       Once they were alone, her nerves only got worse.  "I've been meaning to ask you, is Jetidi a royal?"

       "Why do you ask?"

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