chapter twentyfive

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Brady Shaw wasn't much of a date.

Jess watched him disappeared in a gap of missing fence. Lanie looked at her and Jess shrugged. She wasn't so worry about sneaking into a place, she was more worried about her ass fitting through that tiny opening.

"I'll go first."

She knew Julian wasn't thrilled about this, but she also knew he'd do it. Because he knew she would, and there was no way he'd let her do this on her own. "Good idea. If you get stuck, I'll know it's a bad plan."

He went through but it wasn't easy. Her and Laney followed only to find they had to go through the next fence as well. This one led to a small yard that was three sides of metal fence.

"We could probably jimmy the lock, but we don't so that no one knows the place has been messed with." His explanation came with a grin then he got on his knees and went through the doggy door.

Julian's look suggested he blamed her for this as he followed the rock star.

Who would have thunk it? If you have told her a month ago, that she would be climbing through a doggy door to get to Brady Shaw she would have... well to be honest, it wasn't that farfetched.

"I don't normally do this kind of stuff. My dads would have a heart attack. I had to tell them I had an extra class today."

Laney was very pretty in a quiet, shy way. Even the glasses were super cute.

It was obvious that the other girl hated lying to her dads. "Hey, I get it. What wouldn't a girl do to get to Brady Shaw?"

She blushed. Pushed her glasses up her nose and got down on her hands and knees.

"I just hope he's not some kind of sick nut who's found a place to hide our bodies. That would kind of break my heart."

When Laney would have crawled back out, Jess gave her backside a push to get her headed back in the right direction. "He'd be worth it so keep moving."

Julian helped them to their feet, but Brady had already moved on.

The only light in this room was the light coming from the doggy door. The windows were boarded up.

"Ice box's full. Come through once you've grabbed a drink."

After seeing the ice box, she would have married Brady Shaw and had his babies. If Laney didn't beat her to the punch.

She grabbed the last orange crush like it was the crown jewels. Jess pitted the fool who would think about reaching for it. Shy girl had claws. She slapped Julian's hand away.

Laughing, at her friend's shocked look, she reached around him for a beer.

Julian took it and replaced it with a coke. She would rather a coke, she just liked getting his dander up.

She already had half of it drunk when she stepped through the door.

"Jess, come meet everyone. This big hairy guy is Chris. Bad ass drummer. This is Ruff. Keyboards and a hell of a rapper." He pointed over his shoulder. "My brother is the one with his head in the newspaper. He made me pick up everyone we could find from Atlanta to St. Louis."

They guy in question raised an arm in greeting. He was a slightly older version of his brother. Only better looking if that was possible.

She only had eyes for the set up behind them. There was a mic stand. Drums and keyboard. And four of the best-looking guitars she'd ever seen in her life.

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