chapter thirtyeight

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"Aunt Sarah, I'm going out. Mel is already in bed and Julian is making out with Meg in the living room."

She looked up from her book. "Your mom would think that's funny. It worries me. Should I be letting him make out with Meg in the living room?"
Jess chuckled. "No worries, Aunt Sarah. He's not doing anything. Not right now, at least."

"Should I be worried about where you're going?"

"Not really." She walked into her aunt's room and sat at the foot of her big bed then gave her a cheesy smile. "He's eighteen and I'm soon to be eighteen so the truth is what you're worried about has already happen. We're good."

"And Mel? I'm not doing a great job with her, am I? I'm so wrapped up in myself."

"You're doing fine. Better than fine. You're not alone. We are doing this together, the four of us. We'll help with the baby too. I can't wait to meet the little one. I'm great with midnight feedings and Julian gets up way too early so he can have that shift. We'll be like pros before you know it."

Her aunt's eyes misted. "At first all I could think about is how horrible it was that Chad would never know this child. How horrible it was for God to give me a child when he just took two away from me. I know I wasn't holding on very well, but the only reason I was holding on at all is because I knew your mom wouldn't want me to give up while you and Mel need me. Now.... Now I realize this baby is like getting a part of Chad back. A part of Michael and Rue."

"I think so too. Every day we'll see little things that will remind us of them."

"Just like having you and Mel is like having your mom here. She'd want you to have a good time tonight. Be safe. It's a school night so you have one-hour, young lady."

Jess popped up and gave her a quick kiss and hug. "Love you. I won't be late, you old slave driver. This baby is going to be so lucky to have such a cool cousin."

Sarah smiled. "He will be. Now move it. You're down to fifty-five minutes."

Jess wasn't so worried about that. She had fast transportation. She stepped outside her door. "Dez, fetch Kellum for me."

"As you wish."

She crossed her arms and tried to look stern, but she knew she wasn't pulling it off very well.

After that whole thing at the studio, she should be more freaked out than ever. Dude had gotten really thick in the nitty gritty. She should be running for her life.

He materialized right in front of her already wearing a soft smile and looking glad to see her. She sighed. Running had been her plan. Throwing up as many roadblocks as possible. Fighting tooth and nail. Now, she wasn't so sure. Maybe all his deep dark talk of forever could be just that. Talk. It only had to be more if she wanted it to be more. No one could take her choice away from her.

She chose to face this like she always did. Head on. He was a hot boy who has caught her fancy. Maybe even more than her fancy but her fancy could be a good starting place.

"You've been worried about something."

"What are you wearing?"

Jess rolled her eyes. "They're called shorts, and yes, it is a little chilly tonight so get me out of here."

"Shorts? Why are you wearing them? Your legs are bare."

"Stay with me, big boy." Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "If we are going to date then I need to see where you live."

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