chapter sixteen

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She was late for her next class. Not so surprising since she was still recovering from show and tell. Or meet and greet. Yeah, meet and greet her ass. More like speed dating.

For everyone except for her and poor April. Theirs were already picked out and the marriage being planned.

At least Macie was going to get some time to process all this.

She was still changing into her workout clothes but everyone else was long gone. Sighing, she put her shoes back on. What was the hurry anyway? She wasn't going to be any good at this.

No matter what sport they had played during PE she was always chosen last. Even Julian would pick her last.

When she stepped out of the locker room and saw who was waiting for her she cursed a blue streak and would have hidden but he'd already seen her. Are you kidding her?

"I should run to catch up with my class."

"I am your next class." He motioned her over to the mats.

Really? This is how the universe was going to play this? "Look, this is a waste of time. Your own computer and tests said I was government, so no training needed."

"Everyone on my planet has training. No one should be unable to defend themselves."

"Why is that, if your planet is so warm and cozy? That teacher this morning said it was close to utopia."

"Jessalynn, we have no crime, that is true, but there are always unknown factors. Like us coming here, where nearly half a million are murdered a year. You have no planets that are inhabitant near earth, but we do. Cybans. They are an unagreeable lot and we must always maintain our space borders. It is sensible for all to have training."

"Sensible or not, I'm not very coordinated. I've been in a few fights though, and I've done alright for myself. I even kneed Troy Baker in the nuts when he was getting too handsy."


"He was touching her inappropriately."

Jess grinned. "Now if he sees me coming down the hallway, he goes the other way." Her grin faded. "Though I guess he's dead now."

"Life goes on, Jessalynn."

"I know that. Better than I should."

Not worried about how much he would like it, she sat and leaned back on her arms. There was no way she was working out today. She hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Aunt Sarah had awakened crying and screaming. Mel was sneaking into her room every night.

Sleeping with that child was like sleeping with a tornado.

"This little wrist band gorgeous gave me, is like a little spy camera?"

"No cameras." He nodded over her shoulder. "Those are all around us."

"In our homes?"

"Only near the front entrance."

"So, someone is always watching and listening to our conversations? Is someone watching right now?"

"Dezrick. When something is said or done that needs to be brought to our attention then it is."

"It doesn't bother you, someone being all up in your business?"

"You get used to it. If you ever need help you will not even have to ask for it and it will be there."

"If I ever take it off will dear Dez be able to tell?"

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