chapter fortyfour

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That list of hers saved her from any more heavy making out. Her guy looked positively sicken. He went all brooding beau over that damn list and forgot everything else.

Seven of them. All decent numbers, four above ninety. Julian was number three at ninety-three percent. Some alien named Danoko came in at ninety but the one really bothering Kell was the guy who was just below him. Frick at ninety-five.

Her poor hon was fit to be tied.

Silent. Staring at the numbers as if he could change them with sure will.

She didn't see what the problem was. Sure, there was a lot of them and, sure those were pretty nice numbers by his standards, but all that really meant is that she'd have a lot in common with all of them.

The fifth guy was super-hot, almost as nice looking as Alric. The sixth and seventh were both humans. Shaggy haired. Both looked like they knew how to rock.

Yeah, they both looked more her type then Kell any day of the week. "I told you that any test that said Julian and I weren't a match had to be wrong. Is he the real reason you're so bugged out?"

"I will not lie; I would rather his name not be on the list. I would also rather him keep his hands to himself. No one has the right to keep you from me."

"He was on your side. He was just worried I was going to break your nose. It did cross my mind then I remembered how hard your face is."

"It matters not. No one is to come between mates. For any reason."

"So, he is the reason you're so upset?"

"My future King, there is one who is missing from the list. He arrived last night and is still being process. I will bring up his picture now. His numbers would put him just above the Human Julian."

Kellum's eyes narrowed on her. "Is there anyone you are not a match for?"

The new dude was causing a pitter patter in her chest area. Dark hair, green eyes that held some mystery. Some mischief. The boy was a troublemaker. She shrugged, spending time with that hunk wouldn't be too much of a trial.

"Your numbers are most impressive, Human Jessalynn."

"Thanks, Dez. I guess."

"Dezrick, how many of those are like Frick?" Kellum asked.

"Only him. Most of these have quite a bit of matches. All with higher numbers than hers. Except the new human. He has two matches and the human Jessalynn is ahead. Cornora has a one-point difference."

His eyes narrowed on her.

"Like Frick? What is wrong with Frick?"

He waved his hand, and the screens went away. "He has no matches. Out of all my people twenty-four have no matches."

"Twenty-two now, my future king. Frick now has one and so does Aneata. He arrived last night as well. Their numbers are not impressive but acceptable."

"Cause for celebration."

Except for he didn't sound like he would be celebrating anything.

So that was the cause for his mood. "Are you worried that I will be a mate for him or that I won't?"

"Normally I would be worried about the first and feel guilty about the second but as I keep reminding you, you are mine. That does not stop the guilt though."

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