chapter fiftynine

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"There is something wrong with Jessalynn."

"When is there not something wrong with Jessalynn?"

The look he gave the other guy promised retribution.

"She tried to poison me, excuse me if I am not on the Jessalynn band wagon right now."

"Frick, something is wrong with my mate."

He didn't know if it was his look or the fear in his voice that finally caught his friend's interest.

Frick looked her way for several long moments before turning to look at Julian. It would not be hard for Frick to see what he saw. Julian was scared. His eyes never left her.

"I wondered why we have not gone to sit with her."

"She is writing a song and needs to be able to concentrate. That is what she has been saying all day. I know that Julian has been skipping some of his classes so he can be with her."

"Have you asked him? Like it or not, he knows her better than you do."

"He says he does not know but he will figure it out."

"Have you asked Dezrick?"

"She is in perfect health. Though he did mention she has not touched her lunch."

"Then something is wrong. Maybe it is the song thing. I imagine that is a hard thing to do."

"It is not that. She is... I think she is sad."


"Remember how it felt hearing her sing to her family? How it felt to see her cry? She is feeling all of that and more. Something... worse."

"It would make sense that she should feel that way. We forget that these humans are still hurting in a way that we cannot understand. I cannot imagine how it would be to have so much living inside of me."

"It is something I wish for all my people. Our whole lives we have looked for our mates. We live for them. We die for them and we do all of this without even understanding what it is we are dying for. They have none of the proof like we do and yet they feel everything. Their love never dies. It lives on forever. In their love ones, in all of the people that they have touched."

He looked at Frick. "I would wish all of that for you before I would wish a mate on you who was afraid to have feelings for you."

Seeing Frey and Pensley standing just behind Frick, Kell stood. "I know some of you are scared and with good reason but if you cannot trust each other than trust me."

Frey touched his arm before he could go on. "Brother, we are worried. Our gifts are not always easy. Just having you and Jessalynn's feelings inside me have been almost more than I can bear. Pensley has been having dreams that confuse and scare him. After last night, we know we must share them with you."

Kellum looked at Pensley. "What have you seen?"

"Bad times are ahead of us. I saw a world divided in two and the land is swirled in many colors that run and bleed together."

"It sounds a tiny bit more than bad times ahead, Pensley." Frick frowned.

Kellum offered his arm to his brother. Pensley hesitated a moment before clasping it.

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